Spelling Errors
i before e except after c. Briefly is spelled wrong on the page.
Sonic Screwdriver vs. The Cracks
What follows The Cracks? Silence, right? What's the oppisite of Silence? Noise. Another word for Noise, Sound. Sound-Sonic. Sonic-Sonic Screwdriver. Maybe the Doctor won't die, but his Screwdriver will, it's travelled with him! -Tom
Poster Crack
No trick can get past me! haha! Kranitoko 20:20, April 10, 2010 (UTC)
Pandorica may be the doing of Pandorica... Maybe?
Could it? There are some similarities. Do you think that she is still alive in the corner of the mind of some Time Lord, and with the Events of the episode "End of Time" she could have escaped, somehow... Doing so it could have created the cracks in time, because she was not supposed to be in there, but she is so powerful (or so vague, not living, never "existing") that entities like the Reapers can't detect her...
But this is only my theory... But at this moment it's the only one that I like xP L Mars 23:08, April 10, 2010 (UTC)
The Black Guardian
I don't know why but I have a feeling the Black Guardian is the new ultimate enemy. Think about we haven't seen the guardians in the new series though there have been suspicions about the Woman from the end of time was the White guardian so it seams appropriate they should show up sooner or later. Also in the old series the Guardians had immense power and the Black Guardian strives to create chaos and destruction. Ripping apart the universe or damaging the universe with the craks seams like something he could do easily. Its just a theory of mine so don't hate me for throwing in my 10 cents.
Another Crack?
Not really worth mentioning, but watch the 3D pre-Alice in Wonderland series trailer again (starlit sky, ye olde "Doctor Who?" joke, flying through vortex with a measly three enemies that we already know about).
Before Smith and Gillian fall into the time vortex the grass physically cracks rather than just giving way. Sneaky...
Any light on to what that thing at the end is would be cool, too. 23:58, April 10, 2010 (UTC)
Do you mean the thing that looks like a mask at the end of the trailer? If so, that's the new design of a Silurian
(or one of two new designs for them) they'll be in two episodes starting with "The Hungry Earth". 00:00, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
EDIT: Also, in the second episode towards the end, the Doctor's looking out over a beautifully CGI'd starscape and Amy hands the mask to him. It could just be me or the badly aging windows they're looking out of, but doesn't the universe he's looking at seem cracked to anyone else? 23:37, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
- No, sorry. The cracks are patently in the window, not the universe. This is clear when you watch the scene in motion, not just a single still frame.
Story Arc - Zero
OK, so we know "silence will fall" is a dead cert for some cataclysmic universe-threatening thing in the finale, the 'Pandorica' is going to 'open', and the story arc involves 'cracks' in the universe of which we've already seen two and the one the Doctor's monitoring. But something's linking them all together.
- Prisoner Zero was the antagonist of the first episode.
- The Doctor sent the number 0 throughout the entirety of 21st Century Earth.
- The kid in the intro of the second episode (Timmy?) got a zero on some cyber-homework...
- ...and was subsequently punished for getting on that elevator. On the display, the floor he was dropped to read "000".
...maybe? 23:34, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
- Steven Moffat has stated that there are five features of the new series that will keep appearing like bad wolf did. The cracks are one and it seems "0" could be another one. Seems plausible. Oh also the last one about reaching floor 000 doesn't really count because he was being sent to the star whale to be eaten at the centre of the ship, so he would naturally be on the bottom floor Yun Fang 18:48, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
- The Pandorica references could be another reoccuring feature. Meta-Levia, 16:30, May 4, 2010 (GMT)
- This may sound stupid but what about perception filters. I've noticed they are getting mentioned more in series 5. Alpha111 08:56, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
The End of Time
The End of Time crack cannot be involved in this page. It is likely it has nothing to do with this. If you put this in, every mention of cracking something throughout the series would have to be incorporated. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 09:26, April 17, 2010 (UTC)
The Cracks are getting bigger
Looking at the craks through the episode they seam to be changing and getting larger almost like something is trying to push its way through.
Yeah, and the crack in the trailer for "Flesh and Stone" was partway open. Bluebox444 18:34, April 28, 2010 (UTC)
Theres a slight problem with your theory. Look at the photos, the first crack on Amy's wall spans half of it, the 2nd is on a mini-TARDIS screen, the 3rd is like miles long on the side of the Starship UK, the 4th one is a bit smaller than Amy's one and the 5th one is about the same size as the first or 4th one. While I have noticed it, it doesnt seem plausable really Ooiue 21:12, May 8, 2010 (UTC)
The Cracks Are Glowing
What's interesting about the cracks in episode 2 onwards is that they are glowing. The crack on Amy's room in The Eleventh Hour did not glow until the Doctor forced it open with the Sonic Screwdriver. Is someone/something on the other side trying to force these cracks open? Aussie Doc 13:24, April 25, 2010 (UTC)
Good point! I noticed that too. Bluebox444 18:34, April 28, 2010 (UTC)
Maybe him opening the first one activated all of them? V00D00M0NKY 07:22, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
Voodoomonky makes a good point Doctorpenguin 18:40, May 19, 2010 (UTC)
More than one or all the same?
I wonder - judging by the fact that the cracks are all exactly the same shape, maybe the "cracks" are all one particular crack following the Doctor and Amy around. Maybe it's some kind of entity that exists in the form of a crack in space and time. After all, Radio Free Skaro implied that there was some kind of "silent menace" following the Doctor and Amy on their travels. Bluebox444 18:34, April 28, 2010 (UTC)
I doupt it because prisoner zero said 'the cracks in the skin of the universe - don't you know where they came from?' cracks being plural. And the sister of the water said her race saw different types of cracks. Pharap 20:38, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
Title change?
Now that "Flesh and Stone" has aired, do we keep calling this page "The Cracks" or should we change it to "The Crack?" Bluebox444 23:54, May 1, 2010 (UTC)
The Doctor said that the Crack contained Time Energy in Flesh and Stone. Maybe the name should be changed to 'Time Energy'. Meta-Levia 16:28, May 4, 2010 (GMT)
Why The Name Change?
Why has the name of this page been changed to "Time Shield"? The Nth Doctor 01:36, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- I were just going to post the same question :S, think some one should change it back unless theres a good reason for the change?Alex1442 01:40, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- The Doctor calls the crack a Time Shield. I love the new name, too. Delton Menace 02:19, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Time Shield is the only name given besides 'The Crack in my Bedroom'. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 03:35, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Just checking is it confirmed it's called a time shield? I swear the Doctor and Angel Bob said time field
- This is an unhelpful name change, though it may be supported by Flesh and Stone. The predominant name for this phenomenon is something which has the word "crack" in it. Now, I'm not saying we yet have the best possible name for it, so I can't offer an immediate name change, but The Cracks was actually a better name than this, in terms of maximizing comprehensibility of the topic. Calling them "time shields" — and allowing that name to be used in articles — is going to create more confusion than not, I think. Especially if it turns out later that the term was used in only this episode.
- I personally don't even buy the name at all, really. I've watched the episode twice and don't recall the name at all. Could anyone point to an exact time code of the moment the term was used? What I hear from Angel Bob is "time field", not "time shield". And actually it doesn't describe the crack itself but what's inside the crack. CzechOut ☎ | ✍
- Bob also calls it a "rupture in time". Why is that term less valid than "time shield" or "crack in time" or "the cracks"? CzechOut ☎ | ✍ 12:55, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- There is no mention of them being called time shields in any episodeLiamhenney 12:59, May 2, 2010 (UTC)Liamhenney
- Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced this article is actually talking about two different things, and that's making its focus blurred. There are the cracks themselves, and then there's what's inside the crack, and there should be two separate articles on each, or possibly two very clear sections in the same article. The cracks themselves aren't causing the rewriting the history; that's being caused by what's variously called in this episode the "time energy", the "explosion at the end of the universe" and the "time field". CzechOut ☎ | ✍ 13:19, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- I'm going to change it back to The Crack or whatever, unless anyone has any strong objections. -- MisterRandom2
- By the way, how DO you change the title of an article? -- MisterRandom2 17:16, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Nevermind, I figured it out. -- MisterRandom2 17:38, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Changed it just as i finished editing. Curses....... Fan555 17:39, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- He definately said Time Shield. So many things are wrong with Cracks in Time. 1) It isn't a plural 2) It is so much more than just a crack in time, its a whole Time Shield. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 08:00, May 7, 2010 (UTC)
- I Think More People Would Search for the Cracks rather than The Time Field Liamhenney 21:52, May 8, 2010 (UTC)
- Ok. I think we're all forgetting the purpose of the wiki. We're supposed to call things by the names that are given to them in the show. It was called a time field by the Doctor, it should be named time field. Redirects were invented for this exact reason, so people who search for cracks, end up at the correct page. Mc hammark 21:55, May 8, 2010 (UTC)
- Could the 'time field' not just be referring to the field of Time Energy the crack produced? That would explain how the time field could "catch up" with Amy. The crack wasn't moving, after all. In every other episode, and in that one, they were called cracks, not time fields. -Ravrahn2 00:38, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, in Vampires of Venice, it was confirmed that there are actually a lot of cracks. However, the one that's appeared in several episodes so far appears to be the same one every time - the one from Amy's bedroom. Maybe we need one article for the Cracks in general and one for that particular crack. In any case, I think this article should be called "The Cracks". The Doctor only used the term "time field" once; I'm not sure it's that important. Bluebox444 10:51, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
- The Doctor called it a crack when he thought it was simply a crack in space/time. Then when he actually analysed one he called it a time field. And this time it was the "vampires" which called it cracks, not the Doctor, and they would since that is what they look like, but the scientific name is time field. Mc hammark 11:34, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
- I think we should set up a poll to see what is the more popular idea. Personally I think it should be cracks for simplicity now because it is the most common usage. But if anyone knows how, set up one of those page polls to see which works best for people. Pharap 20:44, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
- ___
- --Hello. I'm very new here, and I found this site by actually searching for information on the Time Crack. The first thing I typed into Google was, "Time Crack, Doctor Who" I found this page alright. The next thing I did was to refine my search, "Cracks in Time" Meddling Fool 13:54, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
- By the way, how DO you change the title of an article? -- MisterRandom2 17:16, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
- I personally don't even buy the name at all, really. I've watched the episode twice and don't recall the name at all. Could anyone point to an exact time code of the moment the term was used? What I hear from Angel Bob is "time field", not "time shield". And actually it doesn't describe the crack itself but what's inside the crack. CzechOut ☎ | ✍
Prisoner Zero?
I mean, I guess the easy explanation behind this is that Prisoner Zero knows more about the cracks than most characters we've seen so far, but in the Eleventh Hour, it uses the crack to escape it's prison. In Flesh and Stone, it's said that the crack destroys all memories and traces of a creature's existence in time. So how exactly would PZ be able to escape through the crack, as said in the episode? Wouldn't it be wiped from existance? -*IP address here...* 04:06, May 3, 2010 (UTC)
Well, any answer will be just speculation until they tell us all the details, but there are all kinds of possible answers.
For example, imagine that the crack is nothing more complicated than a wormhole, except that it's for some reason attracted to the big cataclysmic event at Amy's wedding on 26 Jun 2010. At first, one end gets drawn to Amy in 1996 and sticks in her bedroom for 14 years, while the other is flailing around in spacetime and ends up on the Atraxi prison. As Amy starts traveling around time, the "near" end is following her around, but the "far" end eventually made it way to the end of history, at which point the "time energy" started pouring through it.
So, until the far end reached that end of history, whenever it happened to pass through any inhabited areas, people could have used it to travel to Amy's bedroom, or to space next to Starship UK, or to the War Room during the Blitz. But who, other than a condemned prisoner, would want to do that? --Falcotron 11:01, May 3, 2010 (UTC)
In The vampires of venice, the Sister of the water said that there are 2 types of cracks. One shows other worlds (prisoner zero type crack) and through the other there is silence (weeping angel type crack)Pharap 20:49, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
Lol, I forgot I had made this comment section. Hmm... Just watched Vampires of Venice, seems like the 2 types of cracks thing sounds like a reasonable enough answer. I just wish Falcotron's answer was the correct one, it sounds so much cooler. Ahh well, question answered, I guess. -*Same IP address as above here* 17:09, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
The Venice Crack Picture
Where the hell is the crack? I don't see any crack in the sky in that picture... I will admit, however, that after watching the episode for a second time, I could have swore I saw the crack very, very briefly in the sky myself. I did it it, for like one second. But after I keep rewatching that scene, I can't see it anymore, and I certainly don't see it in the Venice sky picture. Could someone tell me where it is on there? Delton Menace 01:31, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
- Compare the shape to the picture of the tardis console gallery image where the crack is open and more like a sort of smile, but I'm not totally convinced! .. however, there is another crack much earlier, (and given the importance of the date of the wedding day).... in Amy's bedroom wall (again!) in the panning shot from the answerphone to the wedding dress but above it in the wall at 2.10 mins 07:35, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
well if you ask me the cracks fall through time i mean excluding the trip with river theyve gone back in time so mabe a better name for this article would be tempral fissuresAzerath storm 10:46, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
The Crack was cleary seen neer the end of the episode when the skys cleared up. 18:24, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
The keyhole is NOT a crack. Stop putting it up. Musedae 00:00, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
Zoomed in on lock, a crack, shining, appears, zooms straight into the time vortex. I think this crack is better than the clud one, which was just the clouds clearing. If, later there is no mention of the keyhole being a crack, get rid of it, but before this happens keep it on. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 09:36, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
I disagree entirely. It's just a keyhole. I've checked that freezeframe three times. This has been talked about on at least two other pages, and it's a tenous link at best. I didn't remove it this time, but it's not there, and I feel as though we should keep it off. The cloud one is an obvious crack. Musedae 19:51, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
Niehter of them have cracks. The clouds are just... clouds, and the keyhole is just the keyhole, no cracks there. Delton Menace 19:58, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
There was absolutely no light in the lock, except for the time vortex. I'm more inclined to the clouds, but that's STILL iffy. It's not as obvious as I would have earlier said, but it's similar to a crack as we can get. Musedae 20:08, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
I dont think the keyhole thing is a crack, they just did that as a red herring. And i have no clue where this supposed 'cloud crack' is, does anyone have a timing for the episode on the doctor who website? Pharap 21:21, May 10, 2010 (UTC)
Maybe the fact the crack is mentioned in dialogue is the actual episode reference and there is nothing visual as well because that crack closed itself 06:30, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
"...some as big as the sky." and then a "Crack" appears in the clouds as Venice goes Silent? On purpose? Anyone? -Tom
I replayed the scene, the picture is too early. It looks smushed. If you do it a few seconds later though, it looks just like the other cracks! For the people asking about the time, it's when the Doctor turns off the machine and the rain stops. -Tom
First, sign your name. Second, that is a cloud passing over the sun, not a crack. Pharap 22:27, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, it's the SUN, but notice the shape the clouds take beneath the dark one! Very... Crack-Like... -Tom
Name change
MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS AND LEAVE IT AS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--WarGrowlmon18 19:32, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
- Calm down WarGowlmon. I've asked one of the Admins to step in. A user keeps changing it, not even to the correct spelling, to the colloquial term, rather than the scientific term given to it. Mc hammark 19:41, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
- Calm down man. We're working on getting it fixed, as McHammark said. I'm going to go and leave a message for Liam though, this is getting ridiculous. Musedae 19:41, May 9, 2010 (UTC)
according to flesh and stone the events of the next doctor being forgotten has something to do with the cracks. The events of Dalek were also forgotten which has not been referenced yet. any thoughts?Assassin of death 01:35, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
They weren't only forgoten, they were rewritten/unwritten from time, but only remember by time travelers, who are unaffected by changes to time and history. Delton Menace 02:55, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
I think the cyberking events might be linked to a later episode because of the broken cyberman seen in the trailer. eg the doctor and amy find a way to partially reverse the silence and half restore a cyberman from that time. Pharap 22:29, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
The Venice Crack
It's the clouds... DuduDoctor 12:57, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
I'm not convinced by that picture, it just looks like coincidental silver lining to me, and even then it doesn't look like the other cracks. TomJ 19:33, May 13, 2010 (UTC)
Look, so many disagree, so I'm erasing it. The Doctor Who Site, (very big speculation hub) doesn't even think it was a crack, so, sorry, but it goes. I'm A Hydroponic Tomato! Bigredrabbit (talk to me) 06:51, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Theory on nature of The Cracks in Time
When a crack appears, always look at what is going on in the scene surrounding the crack, what is being said by the characters.
It appears that the cracks are related to the feeling of "Loneliness".
Here's a partial breakdown. . .
- -The one in Amelia's wall is right next to where that little girl would feel the loneliest. Brought from Scotland and has no parents. . ? That's one lonely kid.
- -The one in the Tardis, (on the tardis television/oscilloscope thingy) -The Doctor is describing why he wants a companion; he's been talking to himself, and he's getting an ear-ache. Amy says, "You're lonely? That's all?" He thinks, responds, and turns off the monitor featuring the crack image, and the audience is treated with a deliberate "LOOK HERE!!!!" instant where there is a micro second anomoly in the actual BBC video stream, (at least there was on my copy. Did anybody else get that?). The effect actually feels, not just metaphorically, like an actual crack in the reality/time of the show. Clever! The Doctor even seems to feel this, but he continues on with the scene.
- The Beast Below. --That huge crack in the side of "Space Ship England". Why? Well, the star whale or whatever it's called, is also an extraordinarily lonely creature, last of its race, being tormented by unloving citizens. That opened up a crack.
- Daleks. . ? (Can't remember where the crack was.)
- Flesh and Stone. --The "LONELY" Angles? The angels are actually paying tribute and trying to feed on the crack, but in the end it swallows them. Same theme, but a powerfully different angle on it.
I didn't really go into this deeply, and these are just the instances which jump out at me, so that's my theory as of the moment. (Now please commence tearing it to shreds if you think it's wrong. :-)
Oh, and here's an unsubstantiated side-theory which stems from my gut instincts. I think the cracks are related directly to the Doctor himself; not Amy, but we'll have to wait and see. . .
Meddling Fool 14:18, May 11, 2010 (UTC)
Meddling Fool, 1. I think your idea is brilliant! and 2. The Weeping angels are also known as the LONELY ASSASINS not lonely angels but no offence. Alpha111 19:34, May 12, 2010 (UTC)
Not sure but whatabout... Daleks, Bracewell was lonely as he missed Dorabella. Also, in angels 2 parter Sacred / scared Bob died alone and in fear and the angels wanted the Doctor to know it. Then Amy is alone and scared in the forest after the clerics disappear into the crack 06:19, May 13, 2010 (UTC)
From a Doctor Fan-
Personally I think the Doctor is right that it is all about Amy. As he said time can be rewritten and I think that what is being rewritten is something to do with Amy Pond but it is something that is a fixed point in time rather than one in flux and that something the Doctor is doing is changing the fixed point causing the fractures or explosion. I personally think it has to do with Amy Pond's romantic interest and possible children with Rory that will be important to the future and that if she winds up being with the Doctor then something will have changed. Failing that Amy herself may be the Pandorica River was referring or similarly to the events concerning the Black and White Guardians may be a component of the Pandorica.
When it appears....
Has anyone noticed that whenever the doctor does something heroic the crack appears?
The Beast Below: After saving the Star Whale
Victory of the Daleks: After winning the war
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone: After saving Amy (closing eyes)
Vampires of Venice: After stopping the storm
Anyone else noticed?
In Victory of the Daleks they didn't win the war amd in Flesh and Stone it happened before the Doctor saved Amy's life.Darkraider09 11:26, May 15, 2010 (UTC)
Thinking about this, IMHO it is more accurate to say the cracks appear after the doctor is faced with an impossible choice or seemingly no choice at all!
The Doctor didn't save the Star Whale but Amy did, he was going to electrocute it and change his name.
He had to choose to destroy the Daleks for ever or let Earth be destroyed.
Then the acceptance that Octavian had to die so he could escape the angel, and the anger at having to use himself to close the crack.
Not so sure about VoV though, and of course we then have Amy's Choice .... Any thoughts ? 10:35, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
Anyone happen to notice the date of Amy's wedding and the start of all the cracks.
06/26/2010 also happens to fall on the date of the last Dr. Who episode of the season. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
- Genius! -- Sorceror Nobody 18:33, May 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Yes, that's been discussed in the Howling etc. Additionally, a contributor posted elsewhere a while ago (sorry can't remember which discussion page or if on wikipedia instead), it's also the date of a partial lunar eclipse which links in with Stonehenge being the setting for part of the finale 08:25, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Update I found it... topic 8 on the discussion page for Flesh and Stone, posted by Mc hammark 10:22, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Who deleted the last two cracks? 18:15, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
- torchwoodguy, but i undood it because there is no reason to delete them :DOoiue 18:17, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
Conjecture that there is 2 types of 'crack'/conflation of cracks with the 'time field'?
The article suggests there is two 'types' of crack based on differences in their observed behaviour - this is not really confirmed. Also there seems to be some possible conflation of the time field/energy released from the crack in Flesh and Stone and the cracks themselves, the matter of their nature has not been substantiate enough for any authoritative sounding explanation at this point I think? DreamSong 07:12, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
- Well in Vampires of Venice they said that some cracks had worlds on the other side while others there was just silence(similar to the one in Flesh and Stone). I think that would qualify as 2 types of cracks, those you can travel through and those that consume. V00D00M0NKY 07:51, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
Venice Crack
This is a crack. They are not cracks in the wall, they are cracks in time and space therefore can appear. It isn't just a coincidence, it was put there. So, just leave the picture there. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 16:45, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Amy's Choice crack
A friend asked me if this could be a crack. I leave it here so that you might see it. I have no idea whether it's just space or a crack. - Sacchi
All cracks look the same, in one shape and face the same way. This is a portion and it is vertical, not horizontal so it is not a crack. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 20:12, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
I believe in an interview, Moffat said that the cracks would appear in "most every" episode. But we have to remember that the majority of "Amy's Choice" took place within two dream worlds, and since the cracks are splits in the Universe, they probably wouldn't carry over into a dream world, since it's only within their minds, rather than being an actual reality. Musedae 21:12, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
Since when are cracks horizontal? And do you really think there is such a thing as a vertical or a horizontal in space? Jollygreen-giant 17:36, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
A theory on The Cracks
Maybe it could of been the events of The Stolen Earth and Journey's End that caused The Crack since the Daleks damaged the universe pretty badly. Redranger241 20:15, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
- Interesting theory. Maybe the reality bomb is the Pandorica? V00D00M0NKY 20:09, May 19, 2010 (UTC)
- No. Moffat doesn't want anything related to the Davies era. I think he is trying to sort of get rid of it in some ways. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 20:23, May 19, 2010 (UTC)
- Really, he did mention the events of The Next Doctor, and the series 4 finale in a couple of episodes. Redranger241 16:39, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Exactly. He mentioned that they had been removed from time. Therefore, they have been gotten rid of, as well as the RTD Daleks. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 15:46, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Second Venice 'Crack'
That is obviously not a crack. It is a roughly straight line that is not properly straight because clouds do not have straight lines. It is definitely not a crack. Whoever put it up is an idiot. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 16:30, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Think about what you say and who you may be insulting before you say something on the internet. I believe it is a crack, and it should remain on this site for the public to see and for them to make personal conclusions about it - not to insult people. Jollygreen-giant 16:37, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Well, I'm sorry but it doesn't look anything like a crack. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 17:47, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry about that comment about the user, I'm guessing it is you. I was in a bad mood. Try not to let it happen again. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 13:17, May 21, 2010 (UTC)
Just now I've removed all "possible" cracks from the gallery. I think it's best that if you believe a crack is a crack, that you post the image here and the community discusses it. Only confirmed cracks should be in the gallery at the moment, so please no more adding and removing without discussion, it's beginning to get ridiculous. Mc hammark 16:48, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Fair enough - why then, is there still a "possible" crack from TVoV in the gallery? I'm not too sure about that particular "crack" Jollygreen-giant 17:34, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
- I've removed it. Unless we actually see the crack, we can't say for certain any of them are. Mc hammark 17:37, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
Vampires of Venice Crack
The original one is a crack. The second one isn't. This is definitely a crack. It is exactly the same shape of the others therefore should be put back on. It is not a possible crack but is a crack. ☆The Solar Dragon (Talk)☆ 17:43, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
- In your opinion. And, if you look at the cracks that we are all agreed are cracks, they change shape slightly as the series progresses. Jollygreen-giant 17:49, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
- It was nothing but clouds. The cracks are exactly what their names says - cracks, with light seeping through them. Not clouds. Besides, at the end of Flesh and Stone, the Doctor says that the crack has been stopped for a while, and won't be back for quite some time. Therefore, there won't be any crack until quite a while after Flesh and Stone, when it opens up again. Delton Menace 18:29, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, in his timeline. That doesn't mean to say that they haven't been closed relative to the Timeline of the cracks. Jollygreen-giant 18:44, May 20, 2010 (UTC)
- The cracks don't have their own timeline, they're something new to the Doctor Who universe, they will just appear anywhere and anywhen when they're acting up again. When the Doctor stopped the crack in Flesh and Stone, that was the last time it would be heard from for a while. It doesn't have a timeline. It, in a sense, doesn't follow time, it just appears whenever when it's, say, hungry. It will be a while following Flesh and Stone before the crack is hungry again, and appears where he goes next. The crack following them in, really, following their timeline of traveling. Where they go, that individual crack goes. Delton Menace 08:09, May 22, 2010 (UTC)