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The Supreme Dalek is the leader of the new Dalek Empire, sporting a white casing with black globes and a booming voice.
After the War in the Medusa Cascade, all the Dalek saucers were destroyed, save one. This one saucer fell back in time to World War Two. The three Daleks remaining on-board discovered a progenitor device which contained pure Dalek DNA that they could use to rebuild their empire. The progenitor did not recognise them as pure Dalek because their DNA was 'impure'.
They set a trap for the Doctor, tricking him into identifying them as Daleks. Using his "testimony" they were able to activate the progenitor. The result was the creation of a new Dalek paradigm, referred to, by themselves, as a "master race". They had a bulkier, hunched casing, a new eyepiece, and a more powerful laser which was capable of totally disintegrating enemies, including other Daleks. They destroyed their predescesors and attempted to destroy The Earth using an Oblivion Continuum inside their android Edwin Bracewell. The colour of the casing varied according to role/rank. The white was the supreme, the orange was the scientist, the blue was the Strategist, the yellow was the eternal, and the red was the drone. (DW: Victory of the Daleks)
The white Dalek had a deep voice, reminiscent of the Dalek Emperor in DW: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways and the Supreme Dalek in DW: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Also, the conversation between the Eleventh Doctor and the Dalek Supreme echoes of the conversation beetween the Dalek Emperor and the Ninth Doctor in that the Daleks are giving The Doctor a choice between saving the Earth or destroying the Daleks once and for all.
The white Dalek spoke the most out of all the new Daleks. The other two speakers were the scientist and strategist, though they didn't speak as much as the leader.
This Dalek seemed to have more of a personality than the other Daleks, it had a very short temper and a very huge ego. It boasts about how The Doctor's weakness is his sympathy for Earth and Daleks have no such weakness. It also seems to be very demanding.
Mark Gatiss coined the name.