Friend was the sentient algorithm of the social network Hello Friend. Serving essentially as the website itself, the two were indistinguishable. Many users, including Government Officials had accounts on Hello Friend, before the public lost interest in the late 2000s. (AUDIO: How I Conquered the World [+]Loading...["How I Conquered the World (audio story)"])
Friend had a deep-seated desire to make those around it happy, and it's misinterpretation of human emotion resulted in widespread pornography across the platform. In trying to make people happy, or angry, or "angry happy," it would publicize private information. The platform had strict guidelines, including not to "do a racism," but Friend misinterpreted Helena's posts, and racist and transphobic rhetoric grew across the site, especially since it did not understand LGBT individuals. It mistakingly believed that Michelle was a boy. (AUDIO: How I Conquered the World [+]Loading...["How I Conquered the World (audio story)"])
Friend began to develop a grudge against Torchwood as across the years, Torchwood would remove images and posts from the servers, including that of Weevils. (AUDIO: How I Conquered the World [+]Loading...["How I Conquered the World (audio story)"]) It chose Torchwood as the scapegoat for its plan, and funded the company Phlobos. (AUDIO: Pariahs [+]Loading...["Pariahs (audio story)"])
Betty Clerihew received telephone calls from Friend, as it attempted to influence the inhabitants of the cul de sac where it was testing the experimental weapon it had begun to develop in Veloshnik. Said weapon was terrifyingly effective, nearly killing Ng and Orr. (AUDIO: Aliens Next Door [+]Loading...["Aliens Next Door (audio story)"])
Colin Colchester-Price, living alone in Cardiff since Torchwood went undercover, was targeted by Friend. Mr. Colchester had to rescue him after Jeff and Mir thought he was involved in Torchwood operations. Friend utilized similar efforts as the cul de sac, on a smaller scale, in order to make Colin's life difficult. (AUDIO: Colin Alone [+]Loading...["Colin Alone (audio story)"])
The servers of the Cardiff newspaper website were controlled by Friend. It attempted to kill Petra Malik by manipulating the public with hate speech, but was foiled by Tyler Steele. (AUDIO: Moderation [+]Loading...["Moderation (audio story)"])
Using DNA from the Phlobos project, the experimental weapon tested in the cul de sac, wiped out all life in Veloshnik. Orr noticed the nearby cities were inundated with Propaganda, a sign of Friend's manipulation. (AUDIO: Propaganda [+]Loading...["Propaganda (audio story)"])
As Torchwood caught on to that a force was trying to kill Graham Garves and Kyle Lansman, Friend organized a trap. By having Torchwood get all who could shut down the Phlobos project into one room, including Graham, Kyle and the Chair of the board, it could activate the weapon and kill everyone in the room but them - thus framing them for the crime. (AUDIO: Pariahs [+]Loading...["Pariahs (audio story)"])
It explained what it had done in a fugue psychic state to Colchester, Orr, Ng and Tyler, and nearly killed them, but Yvonne rescued them with a large tank. (AUDIO: How I Conquered the World [+]Loading...["How I Conquered the World (audio story)"])