- ‘Everything You Wanted to Know About Gallifrey ’ by Andrew Pixley
- The Time Lords (namely Borusa, the Master, the Rani, Morbius and Omega)
- ‘Full Gallifrean Credits’ by Andrew Pixley
Comic Strips
- None
(With production notes and credits by Andrew Pixley)
Interviews / Profiles
- Terrance Dicks (Writer) interviewed by Marcus Hearn
- Anthony Read (Writer) interviewed by Marcus Hearn
- Johnny Byrne (Writer) interviewed by Marcus Hearn
- None
- None
A4 Page Pin-ups
- Paul Vyse' `The Invaders of Time` showing the Sontarans.
- Publicity photocall for The Three Doctors
- Four Doctors from The Five Doctors
Giant A2 Colour Poster
- The cover artwork for this issue by Alister Pearson, was given away as a free poster stapled in the middle.
Additional features
- A double page spread of the Doctor and the Inquisitor with selected Doctor's quotes on his people.
Credited Credits
- Editor: Gary Russell
- Design: Peri Godbold with Gary Knight
- Transgrams: Louise Cassell
- Production: Julie Pickering & Chris McCormack
- Promotions: Fiona Moscatelli
- Advisor: John Nathan-Turner
- Senior Editor: John Freeman
- Editor-in-Chief: Paul Neary
Further Information
- This twentieth Special has a tag-line 'The Definitive guide to the Time Lords of Gallifrey' and theme throughout.
- Once again a bumper comic format, this special was staple bound with new cover artwork (and poster), priced £2.50 (UK).
External links
to be added