A bowler hat was type of hat.
Whilst visiting Victorian England to look into "the Crimson Horror", the Eleventh Doctor wore a maroon bowler hat. (TV: The Crimson Horror)
In 1885, Jack Bannister wore a bowler hat as part of his typical attire, and his partner-in-crime Bert Jenkins had an "ancient" one he wore on special occasions. (GAME: The Iytean Menace [+]Loading...["The Iytean Menace (game)"])
The Fourth Doctor briefly wore a black bowler hat he found in Fang Rock lighthouse whilst investigating it during the Fang Rock Incident. (TV: Horror of Fang Rock)
In the 1970s, a Time Lord messenger dressed as an English businessman, complete with bowler hat and umbrella, appeared to the Third Doctor to warn him that the UNIT Master was on Earth. (TV: Terror of the Autons)
The Eighth Doctor wore a black bowler hat. (PROSE: Endgame)
On Earth, the Council of Dead wore identical pin-stripe suits and bowler hats to cover their horns. (PROSE: Snowfall, Attack of the Snowmen)
Hargreaves wore a black bowler hat while in his butler form. (AUDIO: Aquitaine)
The Tremas Master wore a bowler hat while on a train taunting the Graak. (GAME: Destiny of the Doctors)
Graham O'Brien wore a bowler hat during a trip to New York during 1903. (TV: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
Lieutenant Harry Sullivan, a doctor of UNIT, wore a black bowler hat when posing as a member of the Ministry of Defence to question the National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research. (TV: Robot)
One version of the Corsair wore a black bowler hat. (PROSE: Eleven Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Corsair)