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Beige was a light form of yellow and white with a little tint of brown.

The War Doctor wore a beige scarf when he, Fey and the Sisterhood of Karn fought Mark VIII Daleks and the Morlontoa of the Seventh Sky on the Dorian Nexus. (COMIC: The Clockwise War)

The First Doctor wore a single-breasted waistcoat of beige herringbone-tweed with a fob watch; most notably during his first adventure with Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton during the Stone Age, (TV: The Unearthly Child) his alliance with Thals to defeat Skaro City Daleks in his first Dalek encounter on Skaro, (TV: The Daleks) during his encounter with Marco Polo and Kublai Khan on 1289, (TV: Marco Polo) during his first encounter with Voord, (TV: The Keys of Marinus) during his time with Aztecs, (TV: The Aztecs) during his first encounter with Sensorites, (TV: The Sensorites) during the French Revolution, (TV: The Reign of Terror) when confronting the Inventor Master on Destination, (AUDIO: The Destination Wars) when confronting Takagi Mamoru and Casper Knox in Japan during the 1820s, (AUDIO: The Barbarians and the Samurai) during his first encounter with a Dalek Supreme, (AUDIO: Return to Skaro) during the First Omega Crisis, (TV: The Three Doctors) when preventing Mark Forester's mad plan with DN6 from endangering life, (TV: Planet of Giants) when helping the Rebels of London foil Dalek Earthforce's Project Degravitate and saying goodbye to Susan Foreman, (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth) when escaping the Morok Empire's Space Museum, (TV: The Space Museum) during his escape from Pursuer-Daleks as well as his first encounters with Mechonoids and Steven Taylor during the Mechonoid Incident, (TV: The Chase) during his first encounter with the Monk, (TV: The Time Meddler) during his first encounter with Drahvins and Rills, (TV: Galaxy 4) during his first encounter with Katarina and the Sacking of Troy, (TV: The Myth Makers) when foiling the Dalek Empire's master plan with the Time Destructor, (TV: The Dalek's Master Plan) during his first encounter with Sontarans, (AUDIO: The Sontarans) when braving the Game of Rassilon set up by President Borusa in his quest for immortality, (TV: The Five Doctors) when helping his future incarnations foil the Tremas Master and witnessing Adam Mitchell's fall, (COMIC: Endgame) during a trip to Paris during 1572, (TV: The Massacre) during his first adventure with Dodo Chaplet on the Ark as well as his first encounter with Monoids, (TV: The Ark) during his first game with the Toymaker, (TV: The Celestial Toymaker) when facing Pa Clanton and Johnny Ringo on 1881, (TV: The Gunfighters) during his first visit to the Der-Sen Monastery and his first encounter with Yeti, (AUDIO: The Secrets of Det-Sen) when meeting Captain Edal and saying goodbye to Steven, (TV: The Savages) during his confrontation with WOTAN and its War Machines as well as his farewell to Dodo, (TV: The War Machines) during his first adventure with Polly and Ben In the 17th century, (TV: The Smugglers) when helping his future incarnations to defeat a fleet of Mark VIII Daleks and save Gallifrey during the end of the Last Great Time War, (TV: The Day of the Doctor) and right up to his fall after the Mondasian Cyberman 1986 invasion of Earth. (TV: The Tenth Planet, Twice Upon A Time)

The Fifth Doctor wore a beige frock coat with notched lapels and a scarlet trim; (TV: Castrovalva) most notably when facing Monarch, (TV: Four to Doomsday) during his first encounter with the Mara and the Kinda, (TV: Kinda) during his first encounter with Terileptils, (TV: The Visitation) during his encounter with George Cranleigh, (TV: Black Orchid) when helping his past and future incarnations foil the Tremas Master and witnessing Adam Mitchell's fall, (COMIC: Endgame) when witnessing Adric's death and foiling the Neomorph Cyberman 2526 invasion of Earth, (TV: Earthshock) when saving passengers from the Tremas Master, (TV: Time Flight) during the Second Omega Crisis, (TV: Arc of Infinity) when first meeting Vislor Turlough and solving the mystery of Alistari Lethbridge-Stewart's amnesia during his encounter with Mawdryn, (TV: Mawdryn Undead) when saying goodbye to Nyssa, (TV: Terminus) during his first encounters with Eternals as well as his rematch with the Black Guardian and his reunion with the White Guardian, (TV: Enlightenment) when freeing Kamelion from the Tremas Master, (TV: The King's Demons) when braving Borusa's Game of Rassilon, (TV: The Five Doctors) when helping his past and future incarnations during the Fall of Gallifrey, (TV: The Day of the Doctor) and before facing a Silurian/Sea Devil raid on Sea Base 4. (TV: Warriors of the Deep) He also wore a beige waistcoat with flora and fauna symbols during a visit to Lanzarote during the year 1984. (TV: Planet of Fire)

The Seventh Doctor tried a copy of the Fifth Doctor's beige frock coat before going for a silver grey safari jacket. He alsowore a beige sweater vest with cherry question marks and turquoise zig-zags; (TV: Time and the Rani) most notably when ending the Paradise Towers Massacre, (TV: Paradise Towers) when protecting Delta from Bannermen, (TV: Delta and the Bannermen) when meeting Ace, (TV: Dragonfire) when foiling Davros's Imperial Daleks and the Supreme's Renegade Daleks during the Hand of Omega Incident, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) when resisting Helen A and the Kandyman, (TV: The Happiness Patrol) when keeping the Nemesis from Isomorph Cybermen and Neo-Nazis as well as Peinforte during the 1988 Cyberman Invasion of Earth, (TV: Silver Nemesis) when freeing the Psychic Circus from the Gods of Ragnarok, (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy) when helping his past and future incarnations to defeat a fleet of Mark VIII Daleks and save Gallifrey during the end of the Last Great Time War, (TV: The Day of the Doctor) when teaming up with UNIT and Ancelyn to stop Morgaine and the Destroyer, (TV: Battlefield) during an adventure in Nauros, (AUDIO: Frozen Worlds [+]) when confronting the Light and Josiah Samuel Smith in Gabriel Chase during 1883, (TV: Ghost Light) when defeating Fenric, (TV: The Curse of Fenric) when foiling the Tremas Master's Survival Stratagem, (TV: Survival) when dealing with Sontarans and Rutans, (PROSE: Shakedown) when dealing with Silurians, (AUDIO: The Silurian Candidate) when joining forces with URIC to defeat the mad Silurian scientist Mortakk and avenge his parallel counterpart, (COMIC: Final Genesis) when resisting Death to save the Decayed Master inside John Smith, (TV: Master) and when reuniting with Ace in the Memory TARDIS. (TV: The Curse of Fenric)

The Eleventh Doctor wore a beige stetson given by Craig Owens, (TV: Closing Time) which he wore inside the Teselecta, and replicated it for his trip in America, where the replica was shot by River Song while the original Stetson remained intact. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, The Wedding of River Song) He also wore one when dealing with the Gunslinger. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

The Fifteenth Doctor wore a mint green cardigan with a beige trim and stripes done in mustard yellow, scarlet, and raven black. (TV: The Church on Ruby Road)

Sarah Jane Smith wore a beige sweater vest with tan stripes when braving the Game of Rassilon set up by President Borusa in his quest for immortality. (TV: The Five Doctors) She occasionally wore beige shirts. (TV: The Last Sontaran, The Mad Woman in the Attic)

Yasmin Khan wore a beige waistcoat with a shawl collar during the year 1904, the 2021 Sontaran Invasion of Earth, and the Flux. (TV: Survivors of the Flux, The Vanquishers)

Barbara Wright often wore a beige turtle-neck jumper. (TV: The Keys of Marinus, The Web Planet, The Space Museum, The Chase, etc.)

Emily Morris wore a beige walking skirt. (TV: Lost in Time)

Jo Grant wore a beige safari jacket when she and the Third Doctor met Salamander posing as the Second Doctor. (COMIC: The Heralds of Destruction)

John Riddell, an Edwardian hunter, wore a beige waistcoat with a gold fob watch when he met Queen Nefertiti and helped rescue dinosaurs on a Silurian Ark during 2367. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

The Toymaker wore beige breeches when he plays the Spice Girls song Spice Up Your Life while messing with UNIT in London during 2023. Melanie Bush wore an asymmetrical overcoat of beige and ebony tartan when she witnessed his defeat and the Fifteenth Doctor’s birth. (TV: The Giggle)

Petronella Osgood wore a beige jumper when she and the Twelfth Doctor work to stop the Zygon rebels Truth or Consequences. (TV: The Zygon Inversion/The Zygon Inversion) She also wore a beige copy of the Sixth Doctor's coat with a cat pin. (TV: The Lost Dimension)

Romana wore beige jodhpurs. (TV: The Horns of Nimon; COMIC: Time Lady of Means) She also wore a beige frock coat when they met Great Vampires. (TV: State of Decay)

Susan Foreman wore a beige trenchcoat during the Game of Rassilon. (TV: The Five Doctors)

Lieutenant Harry Sullivan, a doctor from UNIT, wore a beige trenchcoat when posing as a member of the Ministry of Defence to question the National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research. (TV: Robot)

Emma Grayling wore a maroon and beige sweater vest with forest green symbols over a bronze brown shirt. (TV: Hide)

Kate Stewart wore a beige trenchcoat during the Year of the Slow Invasion. (TV: The Power of Three)

Cass Fermazzi wore beige overalls. (AUDIO: Meanwhile, Elsewhere-Previously, Next Time; TV: The Night of the Doctor)

Nardole wore a single-breasted waistcoat of maroon and beige tartan with a notched collar. (TV: The Pilot, World Enough and Time|The Doctor Falls)

Oscar Botcherby wore a beige safari jacket when he and Anita met the Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown, and Jamie McCrimmon after seeing Sontaran Group Marshal Stike's scoutship fly over. (TV: The Two Doctors)

Amy Pond wore a beige leather jacket. (TV: The Girl who Waited)

Allison Williams wore a beige cardigan when she helped the Seventh Doctor during the Hand of Omega Incident. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Eldane, the Silurian leader, wore a black robe with some beige and crimson. (TV: Cold Blood)

The Curator, a future version of the Doctor, wore a beige and maroon tattersall shirt when he looked similar to the Fourth Doctor. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

The War Master wore a dark beige tweed waistcoat when he worked with the Bruce Master and Missy to help the Decayed Master. (AUDIO: Day of the Master)

The Spy Master wore a copy of the Seventh Doctor's beige sweater vest with cherry question marks and turquoise zig-zags when he stole the Doctor's body during his master plan. The Thirteenth Doctor briefly wore it when she got her body back. (TV: The Power of the Doctor)

Steven Taylor wore a beige Mao suit when he reunited with Vicki Pallister in the Memory TARDIS. (TV: The Time Meddler)

Whilst on the SS Madame de Pompadour, Mickey Smith wore a beige t-shirt with a picture of the Nintendo Entertainment System controller over the caption, "Know Your Roots". (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace)

The commanding Eternals of the Shadow, including Striker and Marriner, wore beige trousers. (TV: Enlightenment)

The Dream Lord wore a beige waistcoat with his tweed suit when he taunts the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams during the beginning of the Eknodine assault. (TV: Amy's Choice)

Captain Cook, an intergalactic explorer, wore an ascot tie of burgundy and beige paisley. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

The Pied Piper wore beige trousers when posing as Mr. Spellman, director of Spellman's Magical Museum of the Circus. (TV: The Day of the Clown)

Janice wore a beige shirt with peach stripes and an ivory collar. (GRAPHIC: Janice)

Robert Muir wore a beige brocade cravat with a tan suit. He and Charles Cranleigh also wore beige breeches Robert Muir as part of his Georgian costume in a party round Cranleigh Hall on 1925. (TV: Black Orchid)

The Half-Face Man wore beige leather spats during the 1890s. (TV: Deep Breath)

Herr Drosselmeyr wore a beige coat. (PROSE: Another Clockwork Iris)

Behind the scenes

In NOTVALID: Daleks versus the Martians and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D., Louise wears a beige blouse.

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