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Trenchcoats were coats made for protection from weather, famously worn in wars.[source needed]

Worn by the Doctor

The Fourth Doctor wore a walnut brown trenchcoat with dark brown trim when going to check on Earth during 16087, (TV: The Ark in Space [+]Loading...["The Ark in Space (TV story)"]) and when he fought Field Major Styre of the Sontaran G3 Military Assessment Survey and tricked his marshal into cancelling an invasion of Earth. (TV: The Sontaran Experiment [+]Loading...["The Sontaran Experiment (TV story)"]) He also wore a single-breasted trenchcoat of plum purple velvet when he and Romana II foil Tryst's conversion of Mandrels into Vraxoin. (TV: Nightmare of Eden [+]Loading...["Nightmare of Eden (TV story)"]) He eventually wore a burgundy trenchcoat, (TV: The Leisure Hive [+]Loading...["The Leisure Hive (TV story)"]) up to his death after the Tremas Master's Entropic Enterprise. (TV: Logopolis [+]Loading...["Logopolis (TV story)"]) His successor, the Fifth Doctor, wore it before switching for a beige frock coat with scarlet trim. (TV: Logopolis [+]Loading...["Logopolis (TV story)"], Castrovalva [+]Loading...["Castrovalva (TV story)"])

The Seventh Doctor tried a copy of the Fourth Doctor's burgundy trenchcoat before eventually going for a silver grey blazer. (TV: Time and the Rani [+]Loading...["Time and the Rani (TV story)"]) He also wore a black leather trenchcoat on Nazi Germany. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Exodus (novel)"])

The War Doctor wearing a leather trenchcoat. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (TV story)"])

The War Doctor wore some double-breasted leather trenchcoats with peaked lapels in coal black, (AUDIO: Lion Hearts [+]Loading...["Lion Hearts (audio story)"]) walnut brown, (COMIC: The Clockwise War [+]Loading...["The Clockwise War (comic story)"]) wood brown, (COMIC: Ambush [+]Loading...["Ambush (comic story)"]) cinnamon brown, (COMIC: The Lost Dimension [+]Loading...["The Lost Dimension (comic story)"]) ebony black, (COMIC: The Whole Thing's Bananas [+]Loading...["The Whole Thing's Bananas (comic story)"]) chestnut brown, (COMIC: Four Doctors [+]Loading...["Four Doctors (comic story)"]) caramel brown, (TV: First Rule [+]Loading...["First Rule (comic story)"]), or chocolate brown. (PROSE: Engines of War [+]Loading...["Engines of War (novel)"]). His chocolate brown trenchcoat was his last one which he wore in the Battle for the Tantalus Eye, (PROSE: Engines of War [+]Loading...["Engines of War (novel)"]) and right up to his death after the 1562/2013 Zygon Invasion of Earth and the Fall of Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (TV story)"])

In World War I, the Ninth Doctor wore a British Army trenchcoat. (COMIC: The Forgotten [+]Loading...["The Forgotten (comic story)"])

The Thirteenth Doctor wore a hooded, periwinkle trenchcoat with midnight blue interim, apart from the sleeves, which had lavender insides, and a rainbow pattern along the edges. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth [+]Loading...["The Woman Who Fell to Earth (TV story)"] - The Power of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Power of the Doctor (TV story)"])

The Fifteenth Doctor frequently wore a double-breasted trenchcoat of burnt orange leather with peaked lapels over his stripy cardigans. (PROSE: "Heroes of Time" [+]Part of Whotopia: The Ultimate Guide to the Whoniverse, Loading...{"namedpart":"Heroes of Time","1":"Whotopia: The Ultimate Guide to the Whoniverse (reference book)"}; TV: The Church on Ruby Road [+]Loading...["The Church on Ruby Road (TV story)"])

A child incarnation of the Doctor bound to a high-tech wheelchair wore a double-breast trenchcoat of tan leather. (PROSE: Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (novelisation)"])

The Warrior, a parallel version of the Doctor's fifth incarnation which looks similar to the sixth, wore a double-breasted trenchcoat of chocolate brown leather with peaked lapels similar to the War Doctor of N-Space. (AUDIO: Aftershocks [+]Loading...["Aftershocks (audio story)"])

Worn by companions

Sarah Jane Smith occasionally wore many double-breasted trenchcoats with peaked lapels. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon [+]Loading...["Eye of the Gorgon (TV story)"], The Last Sontaran [+]Loading...["The Last Sontaran (TV story)"], The Mark of the Berserker [+]Loading...["The Mark of the Berserker (TV story)"])

Amy Pond wore a double-breasted teal trenchcoat with peaked lapels during her encounter with Vincent van Gogh. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor [+]Loading...["Vincent and the Doctor (TV story)"])

Donna Noble wore a single-breasted trenchcoat of tan leather with peaked lapels during her final adventures with the Tenth Doctor (TV: Turn Left [+]Loading...["Turn Left (TV story)"]) including the Planetary Relocation Incident caused by Davros and the New Dalek Empire, and also during the Tenth Doctor's siphoned regeneration. (TV: The Stolen Earth [+]Loading...["The Stolen Earth (TV story)"], Journey's End [+]Loading...["Journey's End (TV story)"])

Martha Jones wore a double-breasted charcoal grey leather trenchcoat with peaked lapels with her mauve tank top. (TV: Reset [+]Loading...["Reset (TV story)"])

Susan Foreman wore a beige trenchcoat during the Game of Rassilon. (TV: The Five Doctors [+]Loading...["The Five Doctors (TV story)"])

Tegan Jovanka wore a double-breasted trenchcoat done in charcoal grey with a steel blue trim. (TV: The Power of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Power of the Doctor (TV story)"], WC: The Passenger [+]Loading...["The Passenger (webcast)"], GAME: Lost in Time [+]Loading...["Lost in Time (video game)"])

Rose Noble wore a beige trenchcoat when she meets Carla Sunday. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday)

Liz Shaw wore a chocolate brown leather trenchcoat when she met Sylvia in the 1970s. (AUDIO: Intelligence for War [+]Loading...["Intelligence for War (audio story)"])

River Song wore a dark tan trenchcoat when solving a mystery in Vienna and 107 Baker Street during the 1920s, (AUDIO: Whodunnit?)

Lieutenant Harry Sullivan, a doctor from UNIT, wore a beige trenchcoat when posing as a member of the Ministry of Defence to question the National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research. (TV: Robot [+]Loading...["Robot (TV story)"])

Worn by the Master

The Master wore trenchcoats in some incarnations.

The Bruce Master wore a black leather trenchcoat during the 2223 Dalek invasion of Earth. (AUDIO: Faustian [+]Loading...["Faustian (audio story)"] - Passion [+]Loading...["Passion (audio story)"])

The Spy Master wore a double-breasted trenchcoat of black leather with peaked lapels when posing as a Nazi in Paris during 1943. (TV: Spyfall [+]Loading...["Spyfall (TV story)"]) He also wore the Thirteenth Doctor's periwinkle trenchcoat when processing her body as part of his master plan. (TV: The Power of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Power of the Doctor (TV story)"])

Worn by others

Detective Duggan wore a beige trenchcoat when he helped the Fourth Doctor and Romana II. (TV: City of Death [+]Loading...["City of Death (TV story)"])

Sally Sparrow wore a dark brown trenchcoat during her first encounter with Weeping Angels. (TV: Blink [+]Loading...["Blink (TV story)"])

Ambrose Northover wore a magenta trenchcoat during her first encounter with Silurians including when she betrayed the Eleventh Doctor, killed Alaya, and almost doomed her people to Restac during the Cwmtaff incident. (TV: The Hungry Earth [+]Loading...["The Hungry Earth (TV story)"], Cold Blood [+]Loading...["Cold Blood (TV story)"])

Vienna Salvatori who dwelled during the 2223 Dalek invasion of Earth wore leather trenchcoats done in navy, (AUDIO: The Shadow Heart [+]Loading...["The Shadow Heart (audio story)"] - Vengeance [+]Loading...["Vengeance (audio story)"]) or ebony black. (AUDIO: Nemesis Express [+]Loading...["Nemesis Express (audio story)"] - Passion [+]Loading...["Passion (audio story)"])

John Ellis wore two trenchcoats: one in raven black, and one in tan. (TV: Out of Time [+]Loading...["Out of Time (TV story)"])

Artie Berger, a piano musician, wore a chestnut brown trenchcoat when helping to capture a sound monster on 1946. (AUDIO: Fright Motif [+]Loading...["Fright Motif (audio story)"])

Kate Stewart wore a beige trenchcoat during the Year of the Slow Invasion. (TV: The Power of Three [+]Loading...["The Power of Three (TV story)"], PROSE: The Whoniverse [+]Loading...["The Whoniverse (novel)"]) She also wore a raven black trenchcoat during the 1562/2013 Zygon invasion of Earth, (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (TV story)"]) and also wore a battleship grey one when dealing with Zygon rebels known as Truth or Consequences. (TV: The Zygon Inversion [+]Loading...["The Zygon Inversion (TV story)"], The Zygon Invasion [+]Loading...["The Zygon Invasion (TV story)"])

Ursula Blake wore an ochre trenchcoat up to being absorbed by the Absorbaloff. (TV: Love & Monsters [+]Loading...["Love & Monsters (TV story)"])

The Second Rani wore a black trenchcoat when posing as Professor Baxton. (AUDIO: The Rani Elite [+]Loading...["The Rani Elite (audio story)"], Planet of the Rani [+]Loading...["Planet of the Rani (audio story)"])

One version of the Corsair with a bowler hat wore a black trenchcoat. (PROSE: Eleven Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Corsair [+]Loading...["Eleven Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Corsair (short story)"])

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