This page has not been updated since 2017. It is no longer applicable, since it describes a version of the gallery feature not available on the independent Tardis.
See also: Tardis:2023 archive/Galleries
Latest version: Help:Galleries (2024)
Retained for archival purposes only.
Error: String exceeds 1,000 character limit. 10:55, 5 December 2024 (UTC)
User images → Video policy → 2023 archive/Galleries → Galleries → Images and perspective → Thumbnail policy → File naming conventions → Video recommendations → Image cheat card → Untransmitted images → Ogg format banned → 2017 archive/Galleries and slideshows |
Gallery markup must be done in compliance with T:GAL RULES. Importantly, every single gallery must have hideaddbutton="true"
. You are also reminded that it's best to keep galleries limited to pictures of the same orientation. Mixing portrait and landscape (widescreen) pictures can sometimes have unpredictable results. When using galleries with covers, you are strongly encouraged to use the option orientation=portrait