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Is it alright for us all to assume that there was a Midnight Entity to begin with...everything else has been provided possible explanations for except the end where Doctor and Sky were fighting for his voice. We all like to believe Doctor as this strong intelligent rational figure, but coud the Doctor himself be suffering hysteria in the end? Since the Doctor is shown to do psychic stuff, if he's so scared that he's mentally unstable, I find it perfectly sensible for him to force his thoughts into Sky resulting in this voice stealing phenonmenon...Moreover, have we all forgotten that Sky is a humanoid or almost human but we never knew she were a human to begin with...We're on a bloody alien planet...We don't know what psychic ability she has and how it could manifest if she has gone insane like she was...Any thoughts on this? I was just wondering because even the wiki has it listed as an entity... 22:03, June 27, 2010 (UTC)
Actually there is already a forum about the midnight entity, anyway interesting take but I think that we will never get any info on what it is and what caused it. Winehousefan: 23:20, June 27, 2010 [UTC]