Edward Grove was a sentient Edwardian house, only alive during the seconds at the chimes of midnight. It created a two hour time loop and fed on the lives and deaths the servants of the house. At midnight the people came to life again, and the loop started all over.
When the Doctor and Charley Pollard went to the house in "1906" a paradox was created, which made the house stronger. When they saved the scullery maid, the paradox and the time loop were broken and Edward Grove was defeated. (BFA: The Chimes of Midnight)
Edward Grove was a normal house haunted by traumatic events. When one of the house's former employees, Edith Thompson, commits suicide, it creates a time loop. When the Doctor & Charley arrive, it creates a paradox, because Charley is supposed to be dead, or Edith never commits suicide. The house mocks the Doctor as he tries to figure out the exeedingly strange murders.