This Jixen was one of the four Jixen who battled K9 Mark I in 2050.
After the Korven turned the tide of the Jixen's war with the Merons by supplying the Merons with energy weapons which they then used to obliterate the Jixen homeworld and thus win the war. (K9TV: Hound of the Korven) In the year 50,000, the Jixen was one of the four sole surviving Jixen warriors, they became in league with the bounty hunter Ahab who murdered Zanthus Pia. (K9TV: The Bounty Hunter) They fought K9 Mark I, the Hound of the Korven who witnessed the murder, until they were brought to 2050 via a Space-Time Manipulator. The Jixen tried to warn the nearby Humans of a Korven invasion, unfortanutely they couldn't speak English and due to their threatening appearance the Humans thought they were attacking. After spraying Starkey with tracking mucus, K9 came through the STM, after a brief battle his victory was improbable and was forced to self-destruct to destroy the Jixen emissary. Despite this, two of the Jixen survived and escaped although they were seperated. tracked down a couple of Merons and was eventually killed by Starkey in Dauntless Prison. When Starkey was captured by the Department, this Jixen followed him to his holding cell and cornered him. A CCPC walked in on this and was punched by the Jixen, distracting him so Starkey could escape. (K9TV: Regeneration)
Some point later, the Jixen found out that a couple of Merons were located in the Dauntless Prison and instead tracked them. When it encountered Starkey and the new K9 they managed to fool him by putting Starkey's jacket (which contained the hunting spray) in a cell and locked him in there. At this point, a Meron appeared and attacked them, but the Jixen scared it off with a scream. The Jixen was eventually able to break free and went after Starkey again. It was killed when Starkey attached the remote control for the Prison to the Jixen and set it to self-destruct. (K9TV: Liberation)