The Scientist Dalek was an orange Dalek created by the Progenitor. Their role was to examine and formulate new weapons as well as to analyse the genetic and physiological make-up of their enemies so that their weaknesses could be isolated. (DWA: Doctor Who The Official Annual 2011)
The original Scientist, along with the other original four, the Supreme, Eternal, Drone and Strategist, was created by the Progenitor when the old Daleks tricked the Eleventh Doctor. It escaped through the Time corridor with the others when their plans to destroy Earth failed. (DW: Victory of the Daleks)
Several Scientist Daleks patrolled Kaalann and studied the Varga plants which infested the capital. (VG: City of the Daleks)
Several Scientist Daleks were part of the platoon led by a Strategist that attacked Station 7, with several other Strategists, and Drones under it's leadership. (GN: The Only Good Dalek)
Behind the scenes
- Mark Gatiss coined the name.
- Doctor Who Magazine nicknamed the Scientist Dalek the "Baked-bean Dalek".