I have recently come up with a new way to understand the apparent 'new' universe, without having to make any changes to this wiki.
The solution is: Another wiki. Another wiki about the Doctor Who universe after the reboot.
I have recently created the 'Doctor Who Rebooted History Wiki', to help us put everything into context.
Whether you think the new series is a new universe or not, it will help us understand the continuity from when it became confusing.
Feel free to edit it and change it, just stay away from River Song's page, it's a bit of a mine field swarming with amphibious continuity discussions and the last thing I need is a metaphorical Jon Pertwee to come and detonate it.
You can view the wiki here: http://rebootdoctorwho.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor_Who_-_Rebooted_History_Wiki.
Just remember: Only things affected by Big Bang Two should be published.
The whole point of Big Bang Two was that it restored the universe exactly as it was. That means that there is no difference between this universe and the old universe. The universe was restored using particles from the original universe that were stored in the pandorica.Icecreamdif 03:26, April 12, 2011 (UTC)
Well, if that's what you think...but some people are still debating this as you know, so for that minority, here it is.