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Talk:Jack Harkness

Discussion page
Revision as of 12:56, 12 July 2011 by Mini-mitch (talk | contribs) (ArchiveTool: Archiving to Talk:Jack_Harkness/Archive 1.)


Jack and The Doctor

Is it just me or is Jack like a mirror image of The Doctor? He hides his real name, he has coat like the Tenth Doctor's, he can't die like The Doctor, he travels through time and space, he was stranded on Earth for a bit, he lost his family and friends in a great war. He's like a Human Doctor. And yes he is the face of boe, davies said so. The reason why he dies in gridlock is because he drains all of the time vortex out of him and into the power-grid so he dies there! -- User:PuzzleSolverer 14: 08, April 15, 2010 (UTC)

You're right, he is a bit of a reflection of the Doc, I noticed that too. But for the record, the Doctor can die. Sorryaboutthatchief 03:39, February 20, 2011 (UTC)


Some time later, Jack was in Zagizalgul, a city in the planet Zog, drowning his sorrows in a local bar and surrounded by various alien species, when a barman handed him a folded piece of paper which indicated that someone's name was Alonso. Looking up, he saw the Doctor – making his parting goodbyes – staring back, before gesturing towards the man approaching the bar. Seizing the opportunity, Jack addressed Alonso by his first name and told him that he was psychic when asked how he knew him. The Doctor left as Jack continued to flirt with Alonso. (DW: The End of Time)

Any source confirming the continuity? It looked to me as if Jack didn't know the Doctor yet in this scene, so that it wasn't meant to be after he left Torchwood, but sometime before meeting the Doctor. I thought the Doctor was simply putting things into place so that some future event would happen.

It's perfectly obvious that Jack knows the Doctor in the scene. The recognition is instantaneous. And the Doctor already knew who Alonso was, so he must have already done the trip on the Titanic.

Does this mean that Jack will recruit Alonso for Torchwood series 4? I hope Alonso isn't gay. :-( I had enough of that with Jack and Ianto.

  • It's been reported extensively that the bar scene is post-COE. 20:44, February 9, 2011 (UTC)
    • It would have to be. After Jack first arrived on 19th century Earth, he never left Earth without the Doctor until after Children of Earth. --Witoki 20:51, February 9, 2011 (UTC)

Series 5

Was Jack mentioned in series 5? I thought I got a hint of him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember the scene in the first half of the finale - The Pandorica Opens, where River was trading for a Vortex Manipulator. The guy who sold it to her said it was 'fresh of the wrist of a handsome Time Agent.' He then complained to his helper that he wanted it 'off the wrist'. Could that have been Jack? Maybe he went back to being a Time Agent after he left Gwen?

  • It could also just as easily be John Hart. However, it seems like the show has phased out 51st century resident Jack Harkness for 51st century resident River Song. --Witoki 20:52, February 9, 2011 (UTC)

Captain Jack in "De-Lovely"

Okay, it technically doesn't have anything to do with Doctor Who continuity. But in the musical biopic De-Lovely , starring Kevin Kline as Cole Porter, John Barrowman plays a handsome young actor who Porter coaches with a song (and seduces). The actor's name: "Jack". It's at least plausible Captain Jack could have whiled away some time like that while waiting for the Doctor, figuring that the Doctor tends to get drawn to famous people. Certainly this "Jack" had the whole "sex-with-anything-with-a-pulse" thing down. Is there a section for "fan theories"? :) —Robotech Master 03:45, May 8, 2011 (UTC)


In rewatching some of the older episodes, I noticed that Jack is referred to as human at least twice: by the Doctor in Parting of the Ways (very explicitly), and my Davros in Journey's End. I'm wondering if the "more or less human" comment referred to in the comments of the article itself is just referring to him being human, minus the immortality factor. Witoki 20:01, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

  • In addition, when Jack discovered he was mortal again, he stated "I'm normal again. I'm plain old human." d 02:50, July 9, 2011 (UTC) (Witoki, by the way. New sig.)
  • Well he seems to be from far in the future and theres no reason he couldn't be human even though he's likely not from Earth since I don't think theres any place on Earth called the Boeshane Peninsula, and I doubt they would start completly renaming places on Earth. GrimmShadows 00:15, July 10, 2011 (UTC)
  • He's got enough human DNA to be counted as human at least. He could have alien ancestry, but human is dominant. The comment on "plain old human" is in regards to his immortality. - Excalibur-117-(talkcontribs) 00:56, July 10, 2011 (UTC)
  • Of course the comment is in regards to his immortality, but he is obviously at least near human. The only thing we know for sure is if he is only near human and not human, his race is obviously close enough for his DNA to be able to combine with human DNA. GrimmShadows 02:26, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

We already know he's at least near human, the question is whether or not his repeated (and increasingly frequent) references to himself as "human" are enough to confirm him as primarily human. His parents were clearly the same race as well. d 02:29, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

I realize thats what we're talking about my main point was that if he isn't human he isn't that far from it as he has reproduced with humans. I'm no expert on gentics but I would think if the near human race he would be, if not human, was too far removed from human then off spring could not be produced. Such as I don't believe a Human-Timelord could be produced not just due to the human brain not being able to handle all the stuff a Timelord brain does but I don't think the 3 helix DNA could meld, if thats the right word, with the 2 helix of a human.GrimmShadows 02:37, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

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