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Hello, my name is Oscar Francesco, AKA Bigredrabbit. I am a fan of Doctor Who, old and new, as well as Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures (sort of). At the moment I'm going through a narky period of continuity-mania that may leave me badly injured. I am currently attempting to indulge myself in spin-off material but, at the moment, I don't have much to do around this wiki. I spend most of my days bringing up controversial subjects at the Panopticon and editing aliens and enemies templates. I am a bit of a grammar-Nazi in real life, so I might put my time on this wiki to fixing up grammar mistakes made by anons and users who may as well remain anonymous, although its my understanding that theres lots of users already doing that.
Favourite Doctor Matt Smith Favourite Companion Barbara Wright Favourite Alien Midnight Entity Favourite Villain The Master as portrayed by John Simm Favourite Episode Kinda or The Doctor's Wife Favourite Torchwood Episode Children of Earth