Did you know . . .
- ... that Golosian is a language so complex that it cannot be processed by the the TARDIS translation circuit? (BFA: Bang-Bang-A-Boom!)
- ... that Sylvia James was in charge of make-up for most of the Troughton era, and that she is featured in both the commentary and "making-of" featurette on BBC DVD: The Dominators?
- ... that the Jeggorabax Cluster was a region of space that was the home of the energy entity which landed on Earth in 1283 and became known as the Pied Piper? (SJA: The Day of the Clown)
- ... that incoming costume designer, Barbara Kidd, is returning to Doctor Who after recently working with directors Adam Smith and Hettie MacDonald — and producer Sanne Wohlenberg – on other award-winning projects?
- ... that Cobwebs is the first piece of performed Doctor Who to feature Peter Davison, Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding and Mark Strickson since Terminus, excluding flashbacks in The Caves of Androzani?