The 27th issue of the BBC's fortnightly Doctor Who Adventures.
Free gift
- 6 piece stationery set including tin. Two designs Blue (Cat Nuns, Werewolf, Cybermen) and Green (Slitheen, Ood, Krillitane)
- Free Merlin 2007 Doctor Who sticker album and a packet of stickers.
- First of a three part giant double-sided TARDIS poster.
Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)
- The Judoon
Comic strip
- The Snag Finders (Part Two) (6 pages)
Tales from the TARDIS
- From: (DW): School Reunion
- Featuring The Doctor leaving Sarah Jane Smith with a new improved K-9
The Doctor’s Data (Collectable Fact File)
- File 25: Abzorbaloff
Adventure Preview (Photofeature)
- Episode 3 (DW): Gridlock
- Episode 4 (DW): Daleks in Manhattan
- A3 Daleks in Manhattan
montage featuring Cult of Skaro - A4 “You are not ALONE!“ Face of Boe in (DW): Gridlock
montage featuring The Doctor and the Face of Boe - A4 “You can travel in TIME!“Martha Jones in Smith and Jones
The Doctor and Martha Jones - A4 “Justice is SWIFT!“Judoon Commander in (DW): Smith and Jones
The Doctor and Judoon Commander
Additional features
- Welcome (including latest news/ preview teaser)
- The Vortex (Who News)
- Humour: ‘’Monstrous Mistakes’’ Earth Invasion by an Army of Goats! (By Christopher Cooper)
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere Slab to win a Doctor Who Shaker Maker!
- Win a life-size Dalek bonus token
- Monster Gallery / Time Agent Upload
- featuring reader’s letters, photos, and art
- Make It: Face of Boe mask.
- Fun Stuff: Code Crackers! (A Quiz Game not a Fact File as page headed!)
- Puzzle Pages
- Who Knows (Questions and Answers)
- Competition Goodies: Doctor Who prize packs, Eragon goodie bags, TV/DVD combi and Night at the Museum goodie bag
Also listing: what are you most excited about this series
Editor: Moray Laing, Meeting the Daleks again
Art Editor: Paul Lang, Captain Jack!
Senior Writer: Annabel Gibson, Seeing Boe!
Picture Editor: Shaila Bux , the return to New Earth
Production Editor: Ed Lomas, Loads of new gadgets
Editorial Assistant: Olivia McLearon, Martha in action
Bendy Straws by Florence Finnegan, Lots of tasty necks
Hidden Away / Facts
This magazine can be recycled “or Florence will find you with her straw. Ouch!.”
Frau Clovis: “The Duke of Manhattan would like to remind you that emailing answers is not allowed!.”
- In Smith and Jones only one Judoon is seen without his helmet on.
- The Face of Boe had six children.
- The Face of Boe prop is radio controlled.
- Clom is the sister planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius.
- Margaret Blaine was the Head of MI5
Additional details
- Published every two weeks on a Thursday, this issue had a cover price of £1.99 (UK).
- Also includes two-page advertisement for the Doctor Who Up Close exhibition staged in Manchester by the Museum of Science and Industry (31st March-5th November 2007)
- The subscription offer for this issue was a saving of over £6 (UK). No other incentive is offered.
- This issue's free gift was selotaped to the cover.
- Next issue's free gift is a bumper gift pack containing, one of two cool stencil notebook and pencil sets, Merlin 2007 sticker album with a pack of stickers and the first part of a huge three-part TARDIS poster.