Adam was a memory changing alien. He survived only by people remembering him, If he is forgotten he dies. Adam inserts himself into people’s memory through touch. He places his hand on the targets shoulder and merely says remember. Inserting himself into people’s memories often wipes out other memories.
Adam escaped form the void, and ended up at Torchwood, as the team there had memories like no other. He inserted himself into all the memories of the team. He made Jack Harkness trust him with his secrets. He made Toshiko Sato love him. He made Gwen Cooper regard him as a friend but as a side effect forget about Rhys Williams. He made Ianto Jones believe he had murdered three women. This memory drove Ianto mad; he reported this to Jack who saw Adam making Ianto remember him using the hubs CCTV. Jack threatened Adam with his gun before locking him in the vault. Jack then gave the rest of the team amnesia pills to forget about Adam. In a last bid to survive, Adam inserted himself into one of Jacks memories of his childhood. Jack then took an amnesia pill to forget. Seems as nobody now remembered Adam he died. His body shimmered before disappearing.