Publisher's summary
When a newspaper reporter goes missing, the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa uncover a case of alien abduction. The trail leads them to the planet Luparis, and a city that appears to be a replica of Tudor London.
What are the monsters that lurk in the shadows? And what is the terrible secret at the heart of Luparis? To save a world, the Doctor must try and defeat the evil plans of Queen Zafira.
And one of her plans is to marry him…
to be added
- Fifth Doctor - Peter Davison
- Tegan Jovanka - Janet Fielding
- Nyssa - Sarah Sutton
- Queen Zafira / Bev - Jacqueline Pearce
- Mike Bretherton - Toby Hadoke
- Lord Jezzavar - Richard Mark
- Lord Zellenger / Bill - Dan Starkey
- Astorius - Sean Brosnan
- Tegan and Mike Bretherton, who were next door neighbours, went to high school together in Brisbane. They were taught physics and chemistry by Miss Anderson. When she was fifteen, she broke her toe during track and gym and Mike carried her books home for her.
- Lord Zellenger is one of Queen Zafira's husbands and Consort Counsellors. She eventually tired of him and married Lord Jezzavar, who replaced him as her primary Consort Counsellor. She had several other husbands before them but likewise tired of them in time.
- Luparis is a replica of Tudor London, featuring reproductions of the River Thames (which has frozen over, leading to a frost fair), London Bridge and the Palace of Whitehall.
- The Doctor once sparred with Errol Flynn.
- Jacqueline Pearce (Queen Zafira) previously played Chessene in DW: The Two Doctors, Sherilyn Harper in BFA: The Fearmonger, Admiral Mettna in WC: Death Comes to Time and the Keeper during the second season of the Sarah Jane Smith audio series. She is best known for her role as Supreme Commander / President Servalan in Blake's 7.
- Dan Starkey (Lord Zellenger) previously played numerous Sontarans in the revived series, namely Commander Skorr and Lieutenant Skree in DW: The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky, Commander Jask in DW: The End of Time and Commander Strax in DW: A Good Man Goes to War, as well as Plark in SJA: The Man Who Never Was.
- After BFA: Prison in Space, this is the second Lost Story in which a female ruler seeks to marry the Doctor, given that Babs, the Chairman of the World Federation of Womanhood, became infatuated with the Second Doctor immediately after meeting him.
- The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan spend several days on holiday in Brisbane, Australia following their ordeal with the Elite on Florana. (BFA: The Elite) Later in his personal timeline, the Doctor returned to Brisbane on 22 September 2006, where he was reunited with Tegan, approximately 22 years after she had left the TARDIS after encountering the Daleks in 1984. (BFA: The Gathering)
- The Doctor tells Lord Jezzavar of the destruction of Traken while Nyssa obliquely refers to the death of her father Tremas. (DW: Logopolis)
- Tegan refers to the Great Fire of London in September 1666. (DW: The Visitation)
- The Doctor tells Queen Zafira that he once visited the Palace of Whitehall. He did so in November 1688 during his second incarnation in the company of Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot. (BFA: The Glorious Revolution)
- The Doctor mentions that he has witnessed humans thriving during one of Earth's Ice Ages. (DW: An Unearthly Child)
- Tegan refers to Nyssa being brainwashed by the Elite on Florana. (BFA: The Elite)
- This story takes place after BFA: The Elite
- This story takes place before BFA: The Children of Seth
External links
- Official Hexagora page at