The TARDIS lands on a unnamed planet. Leaving John and Gillian inside the ship, the Doctor explores a nearby volcano. The volcano is the base of the Extortioner, an alien who plans to blackmail the inhabited universe with his fleet of rockets, unless they pay his ransom demands. The Doctor is captured and imprisoned. Escaping with his pocket laser, the Doctor throws the missile's warheads into the heart of the volcano, causing an erruption which destroys the Extortioner's base. Enraged, the Extortioner pursues the Doctor in a giant mechanical mole. The Doctor lures the Extortioner to a crack caused by the volcano's erruption and the alien falls to his doom. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS.
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- No explanation is given or even acknowledged for the Doctor's change of appearance or personality.
- This strip marks the beginning of the trend to sideline John and Gillian from the action.
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- This story occurs after VG: Destiny of the Doctors
- This story occurs before TVC: The Trodos Ambush