The Family of Blood's Ship was the vessel used by the Family of Blood. It was fitted by a stolen Vortex manipulator so it could travel through time. It was also invisible, so it could lie undetected. When someone got near, a green force field would activate to ensure the safety of the ship.
- Since the ship is invisible, it is unclear what it really looks like on the exterior.
The interior was green, and had buttons that could be easily touched. The ship could fire rockets, as it did to the Farringham School for Boys.
Jeremy Baines got into the ship (hence the force field) and was found by the Family in their natural forms. After he was possessed, three more humans were kidnapped by their Scarecrows and were used as hosts.
When John Smith turned back into the Doctor, he went into the ship (posing as his human alter ego) and was thrown onto the controls by Baines. This was a very bad mistake, as the ship exploded, with the Family only narrowly escaping. (DW: Human Nature/ The Family of Blood)