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I was looking through this wikia when this picture turned up
It gives us a hint that the doctor will actually be piloting the previous TARDIS
Maybe the previous (9 or 10) lent it too him More likely 9s because it is darker, however it may be to do with it being unused.
I have always loved the Coral look of the TARDIS, it is great to see it coming back for a little while, it always looked more alive then the current TARDIS look.
Another theory could be that the TARDIS is possessed, so the doctor has to use the secondary console room (which could be the previous console room). (By the looks of the trailer)
What are your thoughts on this image and what roles may it play on the next episode? 19:15, May 11, 2011 (UTC)
Turns out he didn't pilot it but Matt Smith was having some fun
It was great seeing it again 18:36, May 14, 2011 (UTC)