Diddymen, often prefaced as Ken Dodd's Diddymen, is a multimedia series focusing on Ken Dodd's take of the characters of the same name, who originated in folklore. The characters originally appeared alongside Dodd during some of his television series, and later gained various appearances in comics, including various Diddymen annuals, and appearances in TV Comic, including issues which also featured Doctor Who stories.
Crossovers[[edit] | [edit source]]
The series had some crossovers with the Doctor Who universe within the pages of TV Comic's various annuals.
The first and most major of these occurred within the game TV Comic's Counter Game, published within the TV Comic Holiday Special 1968. The game featured elements of the various series featured in the annual, including both Doctor Who and Diddymen, with the Diddymen being the playable characters. Partway through the game, the Diddymen may stop to listen to Dr. Who playing his recorder.
The following year, in the TV Comic Holiday Special 1969, the game Basil Brush goes Rent Collecting was released, which had a similar conceit. Early in the game, Basil Brush (main character of the game, from Basil Brush) may collect £25 village rent from the Diddymen, later may collect £10 store rent, and finally may be witness to the Diddymen's house collapsing, sending him back to the start of the board. Later in the board, he may encounter "Tardis", requiring him to travel a few spaces back along the board.
References to Diddymen in the Doctor Who universe[[edit] | [edit source]]
"Ken Dodd's Diddymen" were introduced on an unseen television screen partway through The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic, although its minor involvement makes it unclear whether it was official.
Other connections[[edit] | [edit source]]
To be added