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Food bar

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

A food bar, (AUDIO: 1963 [+]Loading...["1963 (audio story)"], The Beginning [+]Loading...["The Beginning (audio story)"]) also known as a nutrition bar (PROSE: The Eleventh Tiger [+]Loading...["The Eleventh Tiger (novel)"]) was a food item found on Gallifrey.

Ian and Barbara enjoy a food bar for the first time. (TV: "The Dead Planet" [+]Part of The Daleks, Loading...{"namedep":"The Dead Planet (1)","1":"The Daleks (TV story)"})

When using the food machine aboard the Doctor's TARDIS for the first time, Susan ate a food bar with textured flavours of the sort found at most workplace refractories on the planet. (AUDIO: The Beginning [+]Loading...["The Beginning (audio story)"])

Shortly after their arrival on Skaro, the First Doctor used the food machine to make some food bars for Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, tasting like bacon and eggs. (TV: "The Dead Planet" [+]Part of The Daleks, Loading...{"namedep":"The Dead Planet (1)","1":"The Daleks (TV story)"})

According to Ian Chesterton, the nutrition bars from the food machine were "no match for the real thing". (PROSE: The Eleventh Tiger [+]Loading...["The Eleventh Tiger (novel)"])

Vicki Pallister once served Barbara an English breakfast food bar. (AUDIO: 1963 [+]Loading...["1963 (audio story)"])

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