Tafelshrews were edible, rodent-like mammals on Gallifrey. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible [+]Loading...["Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible (novel)"], Lungbarrow [+]Loading...["Lungbarrow (novel)"])
Tafelshrews were used in experiments and a mated pair were brought in the first Time Scaphe. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible [+]Loading...["Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible (novel)"])
The First Doctor used to chase tafelshrews through the snows of Mount Lung. (PROSE: The Three Paths [+]Loading...["The Three Paths (short story)"])
The cousins of Lungbarrow survived mainly on tafelshrews and fungus while trapped in the House of Lungbarrow. (PROSE: Lungbarrow [+]Loading...["Lungbarrow (novel)"])
The Doctor of another universe used a toy tafelshrew to distract a guard. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors [+]Loading...["The Infinity Doctors (novel)"])
Whilst trapped within the Imbomination, Captain John Hart found himself in a dreamed version of Gallifrey. A memory of the War Doctor appeared to him and explained that the landscape around him resembled Gallifrey before the Time Lords turned the planet baron. He explained that the fields were filled with tafelshrews, and then once the fields disappeared, the tafelshrews moved into the Citadel. (AUDIO: The War Master [+]Loading...["The War Master (audio story)"])