The Marvel Bumper Comic was a comic series released by Marvel UK from 1988 to 1989, collecting reprints from various franchises published in other Marvel UK publications, and generally aimed at younger readers. Doctor Who related strips included reprints from Doctor Who Magazine, The Incredible Hulk Presents and Death's Head. Unrelated comics included The Real Ghostbusters, Defenders of the Earth, ThunderCats, Star Wars Droids, Scooby Doo, and many others.
Only the first ten issues and the Holiday Special contained Doctor Who material, and thus are the only issues covered by this wiki.
Reprinted stories[[edit] | [edit source]]
Doctor Who Magazine[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Crossroads of Time (Holiday Special; colourised)
- Claws of the Klathi! (Issues 1 – 6)
- Keepsake (Issues 7 – 8)
- Culture Shock! (Issues 9 – 10)
The Incredible Hulk Presents[[edit] | [edit source]]
Death's Head[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Meet Death's Head (Issue 5; single page of Death's Head Revisited re-lettered as an introduction to Death's Head)
Issues[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added