An attempt to remake the main page with an emphasis on the actual pages on the wiki. Very clearly no-where near done.
Did you know...
- ...that comic penciller Mike Collins has drawn at least one comic story with each Doctor since the Seventh?
- ... that Brendan Richards, onetime pal of Sarah Jane Smith and K9 Mark III, was unable to attend the funeral of Lavinia Smith, his guardian, because he was working in Californian computer industry at the time? (AUDIO: Comeback)
- ... that hexachromite gas has no effect on mammals like Humans, but is deadly to Sea Devils and Silurians? (TV: Warriors of the Deep)
- ... that both the Sixth and Eleventh Doctors have expressed disdain for carrots to their red-headed companions? (TV: Terror of the Vervoids, The Eleventh Hour)
- ... that the Ikkaba were a time-traveling race who had a huge cultural impact upon several galaxies — and even influenced the building of pyramids by the Aztecs, Babylonians and Yamayans — but died out en masse, leaving behind little more than poetry? (PROSE: Walking to Babylon)
Article of the minute
"Kang" was the name taken by young women living in Paradise Towers. By the time the Seventh Doctor and Mel visited Paradise Towers, there were three denominations of Kang living there, namely: Red Kangs, Blue Kangs and Yellow Kangs. Each was only distinguishable by the colour of their hair and clothing with the three groups adopting the same general mannerisms. Kangs competed against one another, with the ultimate objective being to enter another group's brainquarters. Despite, this they never harmed one another. The Kangs were disliked by the Caretakers as they frequently created wallscrawls. This led to them being nicknamed "wallscrawlers". The Kangs also performed various dances round certain structures. They carried arrow guns as their primary weapon, but never used them against one another. Read more. ✍Don't like this article? Reload the page for another one!