Yemaya 4 was the homeworld of the Yemayan civilisation.
The Yemaya Temple had Exxilon, Osiran (PROSE: SLEEPY) and Ikkaban influences. (PROSE: Walking to Babylon)
Yemaya 4 was colonised around 2257. The colony on Yemaya 4 collapsed later in the 23rd century and was eradicated by the Dione-Kisumu Company. LEONARDO helped the Seventh Doctor stop the Dione-Kisumu Company from completely destroying the Yemaya 4 colony.
After the ship was destroyed, LEONARDO stayed with the colony and helped monitor their hydroponics. (PROSE: SLEEPY)
In the 30th century, FLORANCE made personal appearances at the Institute Fantastique on Yemaya 4. (PROSE: So Vile a Sin)
When reading the Eighth Doctor's mind, Joanna Harris saw Yemaya 4. (PROSE: Vampire Science)