Neural relay

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Neural relays were devices used in the 51st century to let people send "thought-mail" by point-and-think technology.

When someone died, their consciousness might leave an imprint in the neural relay. Using its communications device, the Data Ghost could, for a short time, talk to other people before deteriorating, starting to repeat itself. While this phenomenon usually lasted only a few minutes, Anita mentioned that her Grandfather had 'ghosted' for an entire day and kept talking about his shoe-laces.

  • Miss Evangelista's data ghost wanted to talk to Donna, but deteriorated to repetition of "Ice Cream."
  • Proper Dave's data ghost kept repeating, "Hey, who turned out the lights?"
  • Other Dave kept saying, "We should go, Doctor!"

Anita was killed by the Vashta Nerada, but had no obvious Data Ghost, as the Vashta Nerada had learned to talk through the neural relay. (DW: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)

Behind the scenes

  • Looking closely, you can see that part of the relay has been made out of a USB port. It is unknown if this means that USB devices will still be used three thousand years in the future, or this was just used to make the device look realisticl.