Galia / "ailaG". Geek. Israeli. Web developer. What else would you like to know?
I run a Whovian minisite at - can you guess the other subdomains?
Check out the Israeli 500 miles Doctor Who tribute (we were also featured on the international tribute) -
And a small creative project I did for my friends for Hannukah 2011: More creative crafts (temporary URL) - a Sonic I carved from a tree branch, a necklace I made -
Twitter: @ailaG
My personal sites (Hebrew) are and both not really maintained at the moment.
Who was my first Doctor? All three NuWho Doctors actually! Eccleston was the first I saw an episode of, but I don't watch TV much and coincidentally these episodes didn't make me seek DW specifically. Tennant was the first one I saw episodes of on-and-off, mainly specials. Smith was the first I really followed, due to a better availability of the episodes.
To save some time and excessive typing I gathered answers I frequently give into this page: . It's originally meant for me to link to specific parts of on discussions, but feel free to read.