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Apalapucia was a paradise planet and the home world of the Apalapucians.

Astronomical Data

Apalapucia was a fabulously beautiful planet of soaring spires, silver colonnades and the mirrored Glasmir Mountains. The planet had a pinkish-purple sky and an oxygen-rich atmosphere. According to the Doctor, it was about 2 billion light years away from Earth.

According to the Doctor, it was voted the #2 destination for the discerning intergalactic traveller. #1 was the Planet of the Coffee Shops. (DW:The Girl Who Waited)


By the time the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams landed on Apalapucia, the planet had been infected by an outbreak of Chen-7, a disease swiftly fatal to two-hearted races such as Time Lords and the native Apalapucians.

The Two Streams Facility was set up to care for the infected population, and through the use of temporal technology, allowed them to live through their entire life in a day. The facility was staffed by the Handbots, robotic nurses who patrolled the facility.

The Glasmir Mountains on Apalapucia

To pass the time, patients of the facility had access to fabulous entertainment facilities: an aquarium, an art gallery, a cinema, access to a vast garden with bizarre and beautiful topiary (described by the Interface as a replica of topiary found on a Shill governer's mansion on Shallanna) and portals to the planet's famous 'Glasmir Mountains' and a replica of the 'Rollercoaster Zone' amusement complex on Clom.

The status of the planet and its people after the TARDIS crew departed is unknown. (DW: The Girl Who Waited)