Forum:BC/AD vs BCE/CE

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Revision as of 19:57, 29 June 2008 by Nightsky (talk | contribs)
IndexPanopticon → BC/AD vs BCE/CE
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Anyone else think we should standardize on a naming convention? Right now, I've seen dates in BC and AD (that's "Before Christ" and "Anno Dominus") as well as BCE and CE ("Before Common Era" and "Common Era").

Personally, I prefer BC and AD--not because I'm religious (I'm not), but because of my firm conviction that "Common Era" just sounds dumb.  :)

Nightsky 01:54, 28 June 2008 (UTC)

One one hand, using "BC/AD" might seem like a bad idea because they have a Christian context and it seems to be quite clear that Christianity is not correct in the Whoniverse (what with the Devil being an alien and all that). It could also be argued that "BC" is in English and "AD" is in Latin, so the dating system itself is inconsistent. Also, it's generally agreed (in the real world, at least) that Jesus was born before 1 AD, so it's also incorrect terminology. On the other hand, "BCE/CE" is not something that everyone will understand, and "BCE" takes up another byte per usage than "BC". ~ Ghelæ -talk-contribs 06:27, 28 June 2008 (UTC)
I was under the impression that BCE/CE are pretty well known. Even if it's not, it would be pretty easy to figure it out from context. Also, it's not like adding another is going to make a big difference. I'm all for using the BCE/CE. -<Azes13 13:37, 28 June 2008 (UTC)>-
I'm also for using BCE/CE, especially with regards to the Whoinverse and all. --Tangerineduel 17:46, 28 June 2008 (UTC)

BC and AD is what's used in the show (eg Exit Wounds) so that's what shoul be used . Jack's the man - 21:04, 28 June 2008 (UTC)

OK, so that's three votes for BCE/CE and two for BC/AD. Shall I start changing things, then?

One other bonus for BCE/CE is that correct usage is simpler. Correct usage in the BC/AD system is "<year> B.C." or "A.D. <year>"; in the BCE/CE system, it's "<year> BCE" or "<year> CE". Nightsky 19:57, 29 June 2008 (UTC)