23 November

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference


History of Doctor Who

- An Unearthly Child First Broadcast

History of the Doctor Who Universe

  • 1763 - The Nemesis statue passes Earth, it's approach possibly influencing the Seven Years War ("Silver Nemesis").

  • 1788 - The Nemesis statue passes Earth, it's approach possibly influencing the French Revolution ("Silver Nemesis").

  • 1813 - The Nemesis statue passes Earth, it's approach possibly influencing the Napoleonic Wars ("Silver Nemesis").

  • 1913 - The Nemesis statue passes Earth, heralding the outbreak of Earth's World War I ("Silver Nemesis").

  • 1938 - The Nemesis statue passes Earth, heralding Hitler's annexation of Austria and the coming outbreak of World War II ("Silver Nemesis").

- A new science-fiction television series, Doctor __, begins broadcasting on the BBC ("Remembrance of the Daleks").

  • 1988 - The Nemesis statue returns to Earth, crashlanding in the same spot in Windsor from which it was launched. The Doctor battles Lady Peinforte, Cybermen, and Neo-Nazis to prevent the statue from falling into the wrong hands ("Silver Nemesis").

22nd November November
24th November