Forum:Forum Trolls

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ForumsArchive indexPanopticon archives → Forum Trolls
This thread has been archived.
Please create a new thread on the new forums if you want to talk about this topic some more.
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Is there a policy in favor of deleting contributions by people who spend a great deal of time goading and trolling members on the forum? *points at The Howling* If so, I'm about to go on a small rampage. Agonaga 18:29, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

Archivist's note[[edit source]]

The absolute lack of interest in this thread for over a year means there is no such policy and apparently no great desire to write one. The Howling is not, in fact, regularly used by any of the administrative staff. Think of it as the Wild West. That said, our discussion policy and no personal attacks policy do apply there. So if you ever feel really harassed in the Howling, put a note on an administrator's talk page.
czechout<staff />   23:27: Thu 03 Nov 2011