
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

The Crucible is a spaceship used by Davros and the Daleks which existed within the Medusa Cascade.

During the War in the Medusa Cascade when the New Dalek Empire invaded the captured Earth, the Crucible was at 90% efficiency. (DW: "The Stolen Earth"). Human prisoners were taken for an unknown variety of testing during the Dalek invasion of Earth in 2009. (DW: Journey's End)

It should not be confused with the Cruciform which was mentioned by The Master. (DW: "The Sound of Drums").


Given the old meaning of the word crucible, and comments made by the Dalek Emperor in The Parting of the Ways, the Crucible could be a tool used to extract the pure Dalek fragments from human DNA on a massive scale. This would also explain why, in Journey's End, the Daleks take prisonors instead of exterminating the whole of Earth

Behind the Scenes

The Crucible may be the station made for the Shadow Proclamation.