Dalek mutant

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Kaled mutants are the mutated descendants of the near-human Kaleds of the planet Skaro. Enclosed in protective armour and weaponry, they became the organic parts of the Daleks, mounted in the upper parts of the Dalek travel machines.

Physical appearance

Kaled mutants varied in appearance. Their young were globular, soft and shapeless with several tendrils or tentacles (DW: The Power of the Daleks, Genesis of the Daleks). Even the young were quite lethal and capable of strangulation with their tentacles, and, in this way, attacked the Doctor. (DW: Genesis of the Daleks) Some mutants were eyeless and green with whip-like tentacles (DW: The Five Doctors, Resurrection of the Daleks). The Doctor said these had a deadly sting and during a 1984 incursion into London, one of these creatures, separated from its casing, attacked and killed a Human soldier without difficulty. (DW: Resurrection of the Daleks)

During the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War, the Imperial Daleks commanded by Davros were altered surgically, with their appendages physically grafted into their machines. In this, they differed from their rivals, the Renegade Daleks. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Others, after the Last Great Time War, were pale blue-green or green-brown with one eye. (DW: Dalek, The Parting of the Ways)

The mutants created using Human cells instead of Kaled cells created small, semi-humanoid blue-green creatures with two eyes. (DW: The Parting of the Ways)

Dalek Sec had tentacles long enough to envelop an adult Human within. This may just be a feature of Sec, or it may be of other Post-Time War Daleks, while Metaltron's tnetacles were short and stubby. (DW: Dalek)(DW: Daleks in Manhattan)

the Daleks also had an indisguinsiable face, wtih only 1 eye open.


The Kaled mutants were created by Davros. (DW: Genesis of the Daleks)

See creation of the Daleks for an account of how this came about. For possibly apocryphal information about the development of the mutants, see humanoid Dalek.

The Thals believed that the Daleks had not yet fully mutated into their final form. (DW: The Daleks)

As noted above, during the war between the Imperial and Renegade Dalek factions, the two sides had physical differences, with Davros' side now altered into true cyborgs and physically made one with their travel machines. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)


Kaled Mutants were quite possibly fatal to a Time Lord when eaten. (EDA: The Scarlet Empress) They have a specific DNA type of 467-989.
