Statue of Liberty

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Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was a landmark located on an island in the river contiguous to New York City.[fn 1]

The Doctor was only known to have visited the Statue of Liberty in situ once. In 1930, the Doctor's TARDIS materialised at the base of the Statue, and remained parked there while the Tenth Doctor and Martha fought an attempt by the Cult of Skaro to rebuild the Dalek race. In showing off the Statue to Martha, the Doctor quoted from the Statue's famous inscription, saying, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free." (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)

In the Doctor's eighth incarnation, the Threshold took the Statue of Liberty and other items of Earth culture to the town of Wormwood on the Moon. (COMIC: Wormwood)

Alternate timelines

In an alternative timeline in which Morbius conquered Earth, he took the Statue of Liberty in order to have it installed atop the palace of Morbius on Karn; this timeline was later erased from reality. (AUDIO: The Vengeance of Morbius)

The Statue of Liberty at Winter Quay.

In another timeline in which the Weeping Angels were using New York City as a "time energy farm" in 1938, the Statue of Liberty was a giant Weeping Angel. Sometimes the Statue of Liberty would travel from Liberty Island to the Winter Quay in order to send the Angels' imprisoned victims back in time.

When Rory Williams and Amy Pond jumped from the Quay's roof to negate an alternate timeline in which Rory remained imprisoned at Winter Quay for the rest of his life, a paradox was created which killed the majority of the Weeping Angels at Winter Quay and removed the Quay from time. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

Mentions and other appearances

The Doctor occasionally encountered it at different locations, or at least referenced its iconic design, at other points in his life. In his fifth body, he compared a statue of the Divine Empress of the Earth Empire to the Statue of Liberty on Earth. (PROSE: Cold Fusion)

During his tenth life, the Doctor noted that one of the features of the Gameslaves' pinball table was a life-sized Statue of Liberty. (COMIC: Pinball Wizard)


  • Though the Statue of Liberty was revealed to be a Weeping Angel in the Winter Quay timeline, some have argued whether or not it was an Angel in the main timeline.

  1. The only filmed encounter of a TARDIS crew with the statue, Daleks in Manhattan, was silent as to the precise real-world location of the island on which the statue is located. The Doctor's exclamation, "Smell that Atlantic breeze!" and James Strong's camera angles — which ignored the statue's greater proximity to New Jersey — gave the impression that it was perhaps in the open Atlantic Ocean. In fact, of course, it sits in the Hudson River on Liberty Island.