Dalek enhanced Tommy Gun

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Dalek enhanced Tommy Guns were energy weapons created by the Cult of Skaro to arm their Human-Dalek army in their bid to conquer Earth in 1930 and create the New Dalek Empire. The weapons were built from Dalek gunsticks based on the design of the Thompson sub-machine gun.

The blasters fired energy beams at a far more rapid pace but the blasts seemed to be weaker than those of a true dalek gunstick. When the human Daleks turned on their dalek masters the concentrated fire of the guns blew the two daleks, Thay and Jast to peices although this did take a prolonged amount of time. There have been other occasions on which the Daleks have succumbed to the power of their own weapons. After the hybrids were destroyed Torchwood came into posession of the Tommy guns and some have been glimpsed in the armoury of torchwood three.