Star Wars

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Star Wars was the overall title of a series of six popular motion pictures produced on Earth between the mid-1970s and the mid-2000s. The very first of these films, titled simply Star Wars but later retitled Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, upon its release in 1977, revolutionized the science fiction film genre and set new standards for special effects in film. In 1977, the Doctor and Frobisher attended the premiere of Star Wars on the big screen at Mann's Chinese Theatre. The Doctor claimed to prefer the Special Editions (a mid-1990s project by Star Wars creator George Lucas to upgrade the first three films' special effects and make additional revisions), and noted that Grand Moff Tarkin looked familiar to him. (PDA: Mission: Impractical)

Peter Cushing, the actor who played Tarkin, also played Dr. Who in the two Dalek feature films of the mid-1960s.

Minor references

Clyde possibly meant this as a humorous reference to Luke's first name.

Behind the Scenes

  • The duel on the Sycorax asteroid in The Christmas Invasion may take some cues the duel between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back. In both scenes, the hero (the Doctor in this case) loses a hand and the weapon holding it. Later, the destruction of the Sycorax asteroid by the Jathaa weaponry is similar to the Death Star's destruction of Alderaan in A New Hope.
  • As with Star Trek, much speculative effort has been made by fans to try and link the Doctor Who and Star Wars universes.

External links

Star Wars