Howling:Change of TARDIS interior & Stored Console Rooms

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The Howling → Change of TARDIS interior & Stored Console Rooms
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Having watched The Angels Take Manhatten & now having seen The Snowmen, it occurs to me that we have not had a proper in-story explanation as to why the Doctor, changed the look of the Console Room, was there a "lost story" set somewhere between those two stories explaining the reason for the new Console Room? Could one of those possible choices of Console Room's been the Leopard Skin??

Also if as we have been told previously in Doctor Who, where are the used, present & future Console Rooms stored? Is it possible that in the 50th anniversary story that we will get to see the first/second Doctors console rooms?

If anyone has any or all of the answers to the above, please let me know.

Thank you


There seems to have been quite a long gap, in terms of the Doctor's timeline, between The Angels Take Manhattan & The Snowmen, so there's room for a lot to have happened. As far as I'm aware, no stories set in that gap have yet been released, nor has any reason for the change of console room been given.

Previous stories involving other console rooms, including those with the Fourth Doctor & Sarah Jane Smith, have implied that they are "stored" throughout the internal structure of the TARDIS & remain functional unless jettisoned. For a considerable period, the Fourth Doctor operated the TARDIS from an old wood-panelled console room & the external doors opened into it.

The console room used by the Ninth & Tenth Doctors was jettisoned during The Doctor's Wife, along with a significant portion of the ship's structure, to give the TARDIS the poweer she needed to get back into the main universe from House's "bubble" universe. That's not the first time rooms have been jettisoned to provide power, so many of the archived console rooms may have gone. Of course, the TARDIS might have been able to re-create them, once she had access to enough power. If she can archive things that haven't happened yet, she ought to be able to do that, too.

Seeing an early vesrion of the console room, as it actually was in the 1960s, is unlikely. It'd look badly outdated & building a new set for it (since the old one is long gone) would reduce the budget available for other sets. In any case, the 1960s console room can be seen by watching stories from that time, such as The Edge of Destruction. -- to me 11:11, April 11, 2013 (UTC)

Actually, they rebuilt the set for "An Adventure in Space and Time." Not sure if they'll have it in the 50th special, but Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS> [Unsigned but appears to be Opalsaloony 05:41, April 13, 2013 (UTC)]

In that case, they might use it & spread the cost of the set over the 2 productions, which would make budgetary sense. Other cost sharing would be possible, too. I have to admit I'd forgotten about An Adventure in Space and Time, though I'm not sure how I managed the trick! (I was 89 before.) -- to me 09:34, April 14, 2013 (UTC)

One of the reasons you could say the Doctor changed it would be that it reminded him of Amy and Rory, and that his childish tendencies, reflected by that whimsical layout, faded away over the years as his personality grew icy. In short, the old Console Room was full of painful memories and wasn't serious enough for him, so he reconfigured it again. --Thunderush 04:21, April 23, 2013 (UTC)

Thunderush: That does seem a pretty good explanation. The new layout is certainly much more businesslike & serious, with a very different feel to it from the "Pond era" version. -- to me 07:30, April 23, 2013 (UTC)