Howling:The Waters of Mars
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Just watched the waters of mars 27th July trailer, looked very closely at 0:22 - 0:24 and saw a flickering screen (like a television with a bad signal) and on it was a blonde woman holding a baby - now the woman had the same hair style as Rose but I couldn't see the face so it could have even been Lucy Saxon or anyone else. Look at it and see what you think.
i cant tell but it does not look like rose or lucy, even in higher quality, may be a feed from earth of a family member. Geffe71 18:38, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
Just got it, froze it at exactly the right place - got her face - does'nt look like rose or Lucy, maybe Adelaide (the doctors companion for the waters of mars), it can't be anybody else i recognise.
Check this,judging from information from all the WOM trailers it can be deduced that the Doctor arrives on Mars looking for a holiday home (joke from GMTV) but stumble into Bowie Base One. He meets Adeleline who tells him to state his "name rank and intention" to which he replies "The Doctor, doctor, fun" they learn of the infected water on mars that turns people into monsters and it does to afew people. The Doctor must stop the water from getting to Earth not only to save the world but to ensure the fixed point in time occurs. The Doctor tells Adeleine that she has to die and so he destroys the rocket so no one can escape as he leaves in the TARDIS he also destoys the base killing everyone humans and monsters saving Earth but commiting mass murder.
thanks for summerizing the whole episode, but it has nothing to do with the original post, which had to do with a screen flicker in the trailer. Geffe71 04:16, November 12, 2009 (UTC)
Even though the Doctor tells them they have to die I think they survive. I have seen clips on youtube of the doctor leaving the tardis with adelaide and two characters set on earth with snow or possibly the ood sphere so I believe some live. Michael Downey 10:59, November 12, 2009 (UTC)
Iv'e seen them aswell, i dont think its the Ood shpere though. Its most likely earth becuase there are buildings there.