User:Dalek the Supreme

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

About me: I prefer to remain anonymous, internet safety and all that. I will tell you that I have two arms, two eyes, the basic humanoid form, but that is it.

About me as a Whovian: Now you're talking! Ok, I like Matt Smith's Doctor best for a more manic and eccentric performance. Also, my 1st and 3rd most favorite stories are some of his. I do not consider myself a fan of New Who or Classic Who, I am a fan of Doctor Who, plain and simple.

This week's episode: The Name of the Doctor was amazing! Vastra and Jenny were at there absolute best, and Strax was entertaining as ever. Alex Kingston gives her best performance as River Song since Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, and her goodbye to the Doctor is up there with Amy and Rory, Jamie and Zoe, Donna, and Sarah Jane Smith as the saddest goodbyes of Doctor Who. The Great Intelligence was incredibly chilling and sinister, even when he's trying to take the moral highground over the Doctor, and his plan was brilliant. The Whispermen were just as scary and chilling, though they didn't do much. The cameos of every Doctor except maybe Eight was sheer fan service, but very well executed. Matt Smith has given perhaps the best performance in the history of the show this season, ranging from serious and dark in Asylum of the Daleks and A Town Called Mercy to comical and funny in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and The Power of Three to tragic and heartbreaking in The Angels Take Manhatten and The Name of the Doctor. Clara was fantastic, and the revelation of who she was was the best ending to the story arc you could ask for, and very reminiscent of City of Death, my favorite Fourth Doctor story. The cliffhanger has to be one of the best. 10/10.

Doctors from favorite to least:

  • Matt Smith
  • Tom Baker
  • Patrick Troughton
  • Sylvester McCoy
  • Christopher Eccleston
  • Peter Davison
  • Paul McGann
  • Jon Pertwee
  • William Hartnell
  • Colin Baker
  • David Tennant

Top 10 favorite stories:

  • 1. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
  • 2. Tomb of the Cybermen
  • 3. City of Death
  • 4. Remembrance of the Daleks
  • 5. Earthshock
  • 6. Asylum of the Daleks
  • 7. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
  • 8. The Name of the Doctor
  • 9. The Caves of Androzanni
  • 10. The Dalek Invasion of Earth

Top 10 Monsters:

  • 1. Daleks
  • 2. Cybermen
  • 3. The Great Intelligence
  • 4. Weeping Angels
  • 5. The Master
  • 6. Sontarans
  • 7. Omega
  • 8. Scaroth
  • 9. Haemovores
  • 10. The Silence

5 Scariest Doctor Who Monsters:

  • 1. Cybermen
  • 2. Haemovores
  • 3. Daleks
  • 4. Weeping Angels
  • 5. Silents

Top 10 Companions:

  • 1. Ace
  • 2. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
  • 3. Clara
  • 4. Sarah Jane
  • 5. Rory
  • 6. Romana (Both of her)
  • 7. Jamie
  • 8. Martha
  • 9. Amy
  • 10. Ian Chesterton

I hope you enjoyed reading my profile.

"Just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then! And then! Do the smart thing! Let someone else try first!"~The Eleventh Doctor (The Pandorica Opens)