Howling:Name of the doctor nicknames
What do the nicknames the future doctor will have represent? All three have a more evil tone to them. Storm, The Beast and The Valeyard....
Storm-Probably a shortening of the oncoming storm and the fact he is like a storm, appearing and destroying everything present.
The Beast-As soon as I heard this, I thought of the beast from krop tor. It is probably impossible for this to be true but could be ultimately connected somehow. IT could imply the doctor becomes more beast like in his actions and how he solves something in the future and so the name would fit.
The Valeyard-This could go back to the original version of the valeyard which was that it was definitely the future doctor who, like the master before him, got desperate to extend his life and so tried any scheme to gain more regenerations. That would have been better than the real version. No offence. --Coop3 ☎ 19:34, July 2, 2013 (UTC)