Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? was a critical episode of SJA that explored Sarah's teenaged life in the 1960s and at the same time introduced the series' main recurring enemy. Called "the Trickster" this enigmatic, hood-wearing baddie was revealed to be intent on causing chaos in what Doctor Who considers to be the "Web of Time". Perhaps made possible only because the Time Lords were written out of the main series, this creature established himself as intent on tempting Sarah Jane and those around them to make different choices in their lives — choices that would end up destroying the fabric of time itself. In this story, Sarah came extraordinarily close to losing her entire existence, and was entirely dependent on Maria Jackson for bringing her back. Thus, this story had a markedly different feel to later episodes. As in Invasion of the Bane and other Maria episodes, her relationship to her father was critical, and given much more screen time than would be the usual case with Rani and her dad.