The Other

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The Other, with Rassilon and Omega, was one of three founders of Time Lord society on the planet Gallifrey during the Dark Times after the cult of Pythia had ended. The birth and origin of The Other would remain a mystery for later Time Lords.

Apart from this triumverate, three other persons would have a major influence on Gallifreyan history. (PDA: The Infinity Doctors)

As Rassilon's rule moved closer to despotism and Gallifrey's borders were sealed, the Other attempted to escape the planet by hurling himself into the Looms to await eventual reconsitution. (NA: Lungbarrow)

Accounts differ as to results of this. Some imply that he was re-loomed some ten million years later to the House of Lungbarrow as the Time Lord who would become known as the Doctor (NA: Lungbarrow), which would explain the Seventh Doctor's claim to being something more then an ordinary Time Lord. Others imply that the presence of his biodata in the Looms gave rise not to one simple reincarnation but to the wider tendancy for rebellion and discontent which would characterise the Deca's generation of Time Lords (FP: The Book of The War). In either case the idea that the Doctor is in some way related to the Other is further supported by the fact that Omega seemed to have some familiarity with the Doctor, despite his being trapped in another universe thousands of years before his birth (DW: The Three Doctors). Omega sought out the Doctor because it pleased him to use the Doctor against the Time Lords.

A popular theory is that the unknown faces seen while the Doctor mindwrestled with the evil Time Lord Morbius are incarnations of the Other (DW: The Brain of Morbius). However, this theory can be disproven by the fact that the Other could not regenerate (NA: Lungbarrow).

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