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Transmat (short for transmitter of matter or matter transmitter) is a common form of technological form of instantaneous transport.

Transmat technology requires a beam. Either the beam, containing a disassembled person or object gets, relayed between between two points like a television or radio signal (DW: The Mutants onwards), or else a transmat beam sent from another location does the transportation. (DW: Bad Wolf)

We do not know if a transmat beam can travel faster than light, however the ability of Dalek transmats to transport people from Earth to the Dalek Imperial fleet at the edge of the Sol system suggests that some may be able to. (DW: Bad Wolf)

To repopulate the Earth after being freed from suspended animation, the Humans of the Nerva Beacon possessed a transmat that was linked to Earth by a circle of refractors. Commonly, transmats as well as teleports tend to transport, at the most, three people at a time.(DW: The Ark in Space, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)

Mawdryn and his people used transmat capsules. (DW: Mawdryn Undead)

The transmat capsules may have transported themselves. This remains unclear.

The Time Lords had the ability to redirect transmat beams to new destinations apparently greatly distant from those actually intended. They could also alter the transmission so a temporal as well as a spatial displacement occurred, as when they redirected a beam intended for Nerva Beacon in the far future to Skaro several thousand years earlier. The Time Lords appeared somewhat dismissive of the technology, claiming they had mastered it at a very early stage in the history of the universe. The Doctor indicated that it would otherwise be extremely dangerous to intercept a transmat beam. (DW: Genesis of the Daleks)

It is generally inferred that anyone's first journey on a transmat is particularly unconfortable, often resulting in vomiting or headaches. (DWM:End Game)

See also
