Memory wipes

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This page is a list of all instances when people's memories have been wiped, and all devices or aliens which have been used, or have the ability to erase memories in the Doctor Who universe.

  • Last of the Time Lords: After the Master conquered the Earth, the Doctor, Captain Jack, and Martha destroyed his paradox machine and reversed time so that it never happened to begin with. As a result, no one below remembered the events.
  • The Snowmen: The Doctor intended to use a Memory worm to wipe Clara's memory of meeting him. However he later used it on Dr. Simion instead.
  • The Day of the Doctor (TV story): The Black Vault is a section of UNIT HQ which is so secret people have their memory wiped after working shifts there. The 10th and 11th Doctors use it to wipe the memories of both the humans and Zygons in the vault so that they do not remember which species they are and stop the detonation.