Howling:Half-Human Doctor Theory

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Panopticon → Half-Human Doctor Theory
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Okay, so I have a theory that should resolve:

The 8th Doctor's claim to half-human parentage

The 1st Doctor only having one heart

The DoctorDonna not surviving

The Clone Doctor surviving

The 1st Doctor dying of old age

So, lets say the Doctor's Gallifreyan father and human mother get it on and have a kid, thus arrives the Doctor. He is half human, with one heart, and the ability to regenerate. So, fast forward 450 years and the Doctor is forced to regenerate for the first time. When he does so his body of course 'resets', and so he gains his second heart. Fast forward another few hundred years, and we have a meta-crisis Doctor. This Doctor is grown from Gallifreyan and human material. This Doctor has one heart but by chance cannot regenerate. Of course when Donna is changed her already-human genetic structure changes but it's not a stable change. Her brain has had a Time-Lord conciousness stuffed into it, meaning that her head will kill her sooner rather than later.

I'm happy to answer and questions, clarify, or try and fill and gaps in the theory.

Taccer 07 22:10, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

Except for the bit where the Metacrisis Doctor is disgusted to find that he's half-human. That's really the thing that seems to scream that the Doctor is and has always been fully Time Lord. Although, off-topic, the first Doctor only had one heart? Really? LostRaccoon 14:15, 19 October 2008 (UTC)

Well some stories heavily imply that this is the case. Although the novels took care of that by suggestign that the second heart didn't grow till the first regeneration. Jack's the man - 14:20, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
Didn't know that! Is it actually in the show, or just in the novels? LostRaccoon 15:30, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
Well the hints that he has only one heart comes from the fact that it hadn't been invented yet (Spearhead from Space brought it in). Thus, some first Doctor stories (notably The Edge of Destruction) had him with just one hart. The novels tried to account for this. Jack's the man - 14:24, 20 October 2008 (UTC)
First, some comments. My original thoughts on the DoctorDonna is from when Donna said "I got his best part, his mind" She already had a human body and of course a human could not take on a time-lord's consciousness, although a time-lord (or half time-lord possibly) body could absorb the mind of a human, as seen when the Doctor kept all of "John Smith's" memories in the episode Family of Blood. I always believed that the two hearts were an afterthought, as well, I had also noted the first Doctor only had one. Some questions... How does the Doctor know that the Metacrisis doctor is not able to regenerate? He didn't know if Jenny would be able to regenerate (and for whatever reason, turned out to be incorrect, although that may be due to other factors, like the terraforming...sorry a tangent). How do we know that the Metacrisis doctor won't grow another heart if he dies in a car accident? Or the same for Donna, even? Or one could so far as to say the gene for regeneration could be passed through the Metacrisis Doctor to any descendants that he and Rose might produce? And lastly, it seems I had heard/read/seen somewhere that the doctor was grown rather than born like natural Gallifreyans, after they had been made sterile. Didn't he make some comment like he remembered being on the Loom? Littlblueyes 06:51, 8 December 2008 (UTC)

RE: "And lastly, it seems I had heard/read/seen somewhere that the doctor was grown rather than born like natural Gallifreyans"
no that's TARDISes ---Si Iway amway Ichamousacoricothingmabobsay. 01:42, 28 December 2008 (UTC)

The Other was born, the Doctor is a loomed recreation of The Other. RobSP 04:49, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

I know a lot of people hold the spin-off media in high esteem, but form what I've seen the TV series has generally ignored it and I see it and non-canon (or at least canon until it gets in the way of the TV series). Therefore I don't agree with the loom theories etc, especially as the Doctor has referenced a more 'normal' family structure of brothers and children (and grandchildren...). Also, as added in my origional theory, this also explains how the first Doctor's body could die due to age (albiet very long age). Also, when the Doctor is holding Jenny, its reminiscent of the Master's last 'death'. It seems that the Doctor thought she might regenerate and it's actually Martha who says she wont, after Jenny dies without regenerating. It could also be that she doesn't know how, and that it takes time for a her body to do it for her. It could be that becasue she is in her first few hours of life that a regeneration in that time is unreliable (and regenerations can be tricky at the best of times). No doubt we'll learn more when she returns this year. As for the meta-crisis Doctor, its possible that the regeneration gene was lost or recessive as half his genetic material is Donna's. It isn't revealed until later so he could have easily had time to scan himself for the regeneration 'gene'. Taccer 07 20:12, 8 January 2009 (UTC)