Kaldor City

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For the audio series, see Kaldor City (audio series).

Kaldor City was a human city on the planet Kaldor in the 29th century. (TV: The Robots of Death, PROSE: Corpse Marker) It was surrounded by the Outer Zones, inhabited by the poorer members of Kaldor society. (AUDIO: Occam's Razor)

The city was controlled by the Kaldor City Company. (AUDIO: Occam's Razor)

In 2889, Kaston Iago committed a series of random murders in Kaldor City so that Kiy Uvanov would hire him as a bodyguard. (AUDIO: Occam’s Razor)

Behind the scenes

  • Kaldor City was later the subject of the audio series Kaldor City.