Bringer of Darkness was a Second Doctor comic story first published in Doctor Who Magazine.
to be added
- Beacon is spelled "becon" on pages 2 and 3. The American spelling "Humanized" is used.
- Victoria refers to the secret war the Doctor and Daleks seem to be waging. She wonders about the lengths the Doctor would go to destroy the Daleks and what price he would pay in doing so, foreshadowing the Last Great Time War.
- Victoria says her father referred to the Daleks as abominations.
- The Daleks know of the Doctor as the Ka Faraq Gatri. When Victoria asks the Doctor what it means, he dismisses it as superstition and changes the subject.
- The Dalek Emperor and the Humanised Daleks are mentioned by the Daleks.
- The crashed Dalek ship appears to be a Dalek flying saucer. It uses ion-drive thrusters.
- Victoria compares the laboring Daleks to ants.
- The Doctor appears to be playing his recorder soon after they land.
- A Kaled mutant is disgorged from one of the Dalek shells.
- According to the Daleks, their civil war (TV: The Evil of the Daleks) ended in the termination of the rebel Humanised Daleks. The Dalek Emperor is still alive. The Doctor would learn some of the humanised Daleks had left Skaro in the chaos of the war's end. (COMIC: Children of the Revolution)
- While things are peaceful, Victoria welcomes the change from "the horrors of the London Underground." (TV: The Web of Fear)
- Victoria Waterfield's journal entry occurs after TV: Fury from the Deep.
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